Wednesday 1 May 2019

Secondary School Teacher (SST) solved sample paper page 3

Execution of plans and decisions is the part of
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Commanding
D. Coordinating
Answer is =C
To bring harmony among all the elements of programmeis
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Commanding
D. Coordinating
Answer is =D
School Budgert includes
A. Development expendciture
B. Non development expenditure
C. Both an and b
D. None of a and b
Answer is =C
BM stands for
A. Budget Money
B. Budget Monitoring
C. Budget Materials
D. Budget Manual
Answer is = D
Non development budget includes
A. Salaries
B. Running ependitures
C. Maintenance of building
D. All of the above
Answer is = D
New Libraries laboratories etc are constructed undr
A. Development Budget
B. Non development budget
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer is = A
Leadership is the ability
A. To influence
B. To motivate
C. To achieve organizational goals
D. All of the above
Answer is =
Staff development means
A. Recruiting staff
B. Training staff
C. Increasing staff
D. Decreasing staff
Answer is = B
Selecting one course of action among various alternatives is
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Decision making
D. Coordinating
Answer is = C
Who is called father of scientific management theory
A. Fredrick Tylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Terry and Franklin
D. Elton Meo
Answer is = A
Who is the father of operational management theory
A. Fredrick Tylor
B. Henry Fayol
C. Terry and Franklin
D. Elton Meo
Answer is = B
All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in
A. Cash Register
B. Acquittance Roll
C. Stock Register
D. Contingent Register
Answer is = A
In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for refunding is
A. 24
B. 32
C. 65
D. 41
Answer is = A

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