Sunday 7 April 2019

Public Procurement Rules MCQs

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31. The bids for procurement opportunities shall be submitted in a/an _______ package or packages.
(A) open
(B) sealed
(C) transparent
(D) none of these
32. Where the procuring agency require the bidders to furnish a bid security, the bid security should not exceed _______ of the bid price.
(A) 5.0%
(B) 7.5%
(C) 10.0%
(D) 12.5%
33. All bids shall be opened
(A) randomly
(B) privately
(C) secretly
(D) publicly
34. There are _____ procedures of open competitive bidding.
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
35. The main open competitive bidding procedure is
(A) single stage one envelope bidding
(B) single stage two envelope procedure
(C) two stage bidding procedure
(D) two stage two envelope bidding procedure
31(B) 32(A) 33(D) 34(C) 35(A)

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