Wednesday 1 May 2019

Lectruer Sample paper/ MCQs E book Page 7

A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = B

Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is?
A. 75 %
B. 50 %
C. 34%
D. None
Answer is = A

The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = C

Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?
A. Average
B. Below average
C. Above average
D. All
Answer is = D

Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?
A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence
Answer is = D

Summative evaluation takes place?
A. In the beginning
B. At the end
C. In the middle
D. None
Answer is = B

Without suitable curriculum, aims of education
A. Can be achieved
B. Cannot be achieved
C. Can be changed
D. None
Answer is = B

How many basic components of curriculum have?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Answer is = B

Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?
A. Designing
B. Implementing
C. Evaluating
D. All
Answer is = D

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