Wednesday 1 May 2019

Teaching Methodology MCQs Page 8

71. Right order of sub- groups of affective domain is
(a) Attending, Responding, Valuing, characterization, Organization
(b) attending, Responding, Characterization, Valuing, Organization
(c) Attending, Valuing, Responding, Organization, Characterization
(d) Attending, Responding, Valuing, Organization, Characterization
Answer is = d
72. Willingness to attend to particular phenomenon is
(a) Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = a
73. Which sub- group of affective domain focuses on active participation in
(a)Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = b
74. Bringing together different values into a comsistent value system is
(a) Attending/ Receiving
(b) Responding
(c) Valuing
(d) Organization
Answer is = d
75. Affective domain focuses on adoption of a value system as a part of life style in
(a) Responding
(b) Valuing
(c) Organization
(d) Characterization
Answer is = d
76. Psychomotor domain was classified by Simpson in
(a) 1962
(b) 1972
(c) 1982
(d) 1992
Answer is = b
77. Affective domain was divided into subgroups by Krathwhol in
(a) 1954
(b) 1964
(c) 1974
(d) 1984
Answer is = b
78. Psychomotor domain was divided by Simpson in
(a) Four subgroups
(b) Five subgroups
(c) Six subgroups
(d) Seven subgroups
Answer is = d
79. The Characteristic of behavioral objective is
(a) Observable and Immeasurable
(b) Non- observable
(c) Observable and measurable
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
80. The right sequence of sub-groups of psychomotor domain is
(a) Perception, Set, Guided response, Mechanism, Complex overt response, adaptation, Origination
(b) Perception, Complex over response, Set, Guided, response, Mechanism, adaptation, Organization
(c) Set, Origination, Guided response, Mechanism Complex overt response, Adaptation, perception
(d) Guided response, Mechanism, perception, Set, Adaptation, Organization, Complex overt response
Answer is = a

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