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Monday, December 7, 2020

WWE Raw Full Show Live Streaming 7 December 2020 WWE Raw Highlights Full Show 7 December 2020


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WWE Raw Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from December 7

Sana Ejaz Khan

    Carnage awaits on the road to TLC: Tables, Ladder & Chairs 2020. The December 7 edition of Monday Night Raw promised clarity on that card, known for hard steel and smashed wood.

    Randy Orton wanted to enter the "Firefly Fun House," inviting himself into the odd parallel dimension in WWE. Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss were sure to meet him, but no one knew what The Viper would truly be inside that world.

    Drew McIntyre continued to dodge The Miz's best efforts at taking his WWE Championship while preparing for a big match with AJ Styles. This week, he was set to face Styles, Miz and John Morrison in a handicap match. Only Sheamus was at his side.

    The dominant United States champion Bobby Lashley needed fresh competition. Jeff Hardy has always coveted gold and planned to fight The All Mighty for a chance at his U.S. title.

    Much of the rest of the Raw card was a mystery, but it was certain that Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler would look to torment Lana further, even with Asuka backing her up. New Day also needed fresh competition.

    This December 7 show did not sound exciting on paper, but WWE had to ramp up the excitement to sell TLC. That would begin with this night.

Randy Orton Calls Out Bray Wyatt for a Match Ahead of His Fight with The Fiend

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    The show opened with a tribute to Pat Patterson. Throughout the night, tweets from WWE stars were shown, praising Patterson for all he did for the business. A video package was also shown later for his incredible career and impact on so many.

    Afterward, Randy Orton explained why he is not afraid of The Fiend. He promised to stare Bray Wyatt in the eyes and show him that the true evil was him. He demanded to be let in. Wyatt arrived from the "Firefly Fun House" without Alexa Bliss.

    After Wyatt ran a game show questioning the horrors The Fiend would inflict on Orton, The Viper demanded a match with the "Firefly Fun House" host this night on Raw. Wyatt accepted.






    This went a little long, but as always, Wyatt makes his segments feel completely unique to anything else on Raw. Given the run time of the show, unique segments are a massive relief. He even managed to sell Orton's familiar brand of drawn-out heel promo.

    Orton vs. Wyatt should have been promoted ahead of time. The match was a potential fun way to sell the feud as The Viper faced the less dangerous version of The Fiend, hoping to get an advantage before competing against the embodiment of evil.

Asuka (w/ Lana) vs. Shayna Baszler (w/ Nia Jax)

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    Backstage, Nia Jax gave Shayna Baszler a pep talk for her match with Asuka. The two then made it clear that they would mutilate The Ravishing Russian for embarrassing them.

    The Queen of Spades targetted the left arm of The Empress of Tomorrow, dealing serious damage. The Irresistible Force went after Lana outside, only to get sent hard into the announce table with a headscissors takedown. Capitalizing on the distraction, Asuka rolled up Baszler for the win.

    Later in the night, it was announced that Lana would face Jax. The Ravishing Russian was terrified backstage. Asuka managed to psyche her up, only for that to get undercut when she saw The Irresistible Force.



    Asuka def. Baszler by pinfall.






    This was the best segment Lana has been involved in for months. Asuka vs. Baszler did the heavy lifting, and the two should have gotten more time. However, their match was cut short, likely with the intention for a bigger title match in the future.

    That's the goal at least, though it does not help that Baszler keeps getting pinned. Of the two women, The Queen of Spades should be protected more than The Irresistible Force.

    The real important moment was The Ravishing Russian finally taking matters into her own hands. Lana went after Jax after her tormentor tried to attack her again. The headscissors takedown into the announce table is the first time she has felt like a face in this whole story.

Ricochet and Dana Brooke vs. Slapjack and Reckoning (w/ Mustafa Ali)

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    Riddle asked Dana Brooke and Ricochet where The Hurt Business was, but the two were too focused on their fight. Ricochet and Brooke explained what it meant in an interview to beat Retribution.

    Mustafa Ali promised that Ricochet and Brooke were failures and needed to be taken down by Retribution.

    Reckoning planted Dana Brooke with aggressive offense early. However, offense between Slapjack and Ricochet distracted her, allowing Brooke to connect on a sit-out slam for the three-count. Afterward, Ali berated both as losers.



    Brooke and Ricochet def. Reckoning and Slapjack by pinfall.






    There is a potential story to Reckoning failing and breaking away from Retribution, but it does not work based on the stable's build to date. Ali cannot be a ruthless leader, demanding success now, after months of his group losing.

    Mia Yim may make it on the main roster when she gets away from Retribution. However, Yim could have been established as dominant from the start instead. At no point in WWE has she been allowed to thrive as her talent would dictate.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre Ruin 'Miz TV' Featuring AJ Styles

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    Keith Lee confronted Sheamus backstage, telling The Celtic Warrior that he saw through his act.

    AJ Styles gladly accepted an opportunity on "Miz TV." The focus was Sheamus and Drew McIntyre as Miz and John Morrison threw out terrible Irish and Scottish accents. The Celtic Warrior arrived, followed by The Scottish Psychopath. They were not amused.

    McIntyre went off on Miz and Morrison while The Phenomenal One escaped outside to stand with Omos. The Irishman and Scotsman cleared the ring, and Styles left Miz and Morrison to take the beating. The WWE champion threw Miz's Money in the Bank contract clear to the stage.






    The attempted jokes in this segment did not land. Honestly, nothing in this worked. Miz and Morrison's accents grated on the ears. McIntyre's comebacks were childish and out of character. Styles barely felt like he was in the segment.

    While the "will he, won't he" tension with Sheamus is always effective, this segment added nothing to that dynamic. These men should have just wrestled in their already-announced handicap match instead.

Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin; Kingston vs. Cedric Alexander (w/ MVP)

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    Shelton Benjamin seemed to have Kofi Kingston's number early. He managed to tweak the left knee of the former WWE champion. However, Kofi knocked him down on the outside and then caught him with Trouble in Paradise when he returned to the ring to win.

    Cedric Alexander demanded that Kofi face him as well, and the New Day star accepted. Xavier Woods could only watch at ringside as Alexander went aggressively after the knee of Kofi. The tenacity of Alexander was hard for Kofi to match, including a dropkick to the knee and a spinning brainbuster.

    MVP barked out orders at Alexander as his overconfidence almost got the better of him. The two teetered on the top rope, and Kofi fell badly on his knee. Alexander planted Kofi with the Lumbar Check for the win.



    Kofi def. Shelton by pinfall; Alexander def. Kofi by pinfall.






    Kofi vs. Shelton deserved more time, but it makes sense that it did not get that time because of the second match to come. Kofi vs. Alexander was fantastic, built on the aggressive attitude of Alexander. He looked like an absolute star.

    While New Day vs. Hurt Business has been sloppily built, the talent is selling the feud. It should be fun to see what these tag teams can do with time in their expected clash at TLC. Alexander seems like he's itching for the spotlight.

Drew McIntyre and Sheamus vs. AJ Styles, The Miz and John Morrison

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    Drew McIntyre and Sheamus knew they would have to divide and conquer to win, first brutalizing John Morrison and throwing him over the announce table. AJ Styles refused to get involved with The Scottish Psychopath, so The Miz took a beating as The Shaman of Sexy recovered.

    The heels finally got the WWE champion isolated in the corner, and Styles saw his opening to get involved. Sheamus tried to give McIntyre a reprieve, but he was also isolated and beat down. The Phenomenal One gladly went after Sheamus until he got planted with White Noise.

    McIntyre got a hot tag and teased a Claymore on Morrison, but Miz saved his friend. The Celtic Warrior accidentally hit McIntyre with a Brogue Kick, setting up Styles to hit the Phenomenal Forearm on Sheamus for the win.

    Charly Caruso asked Sheamus about the Brogue Kick backstage, and he made clear it was not intentional. McIntyre got in his face. The two brawled while the locker room cheered on. Pat Buck tried to break them up, and the two men beat down the referee. The two went off to buy a pint.



    Styles, Miz and Morrison def. McIntyre and Sheamus by pinfall.






    Making up for the awkward "Miz TV" segment, this was an awesome match from all involved. While handicap matches typically are tough to sell, the pace was great. Sheamus and McIntyre shined in bursts, while the heels played smart to isolate and control the action.

    Though WWE oversold the miscue, it is nice to see how the company is keeping McIntyre and Sheamus moving forward. After the WWE champion defeats Styles, it would only make sense for The Scottish Psychopath to give The Celtic Warrior the next shot.

Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) vs. Jeff Hardy

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    Riddle caught Jeff Hardy backstage before his match to ask him about teaming up as the Hardy Bros. The Charismatic Enigma was interested but too busy to say yes.

    MVP reminded Bobby Lashley to go after Hardy's bad back. It worked out for a moment until The Charismatic Enigma showed his veteran instinct with a series of impressive reversals. MVP got involved, but Riddle ran down to even the odds.

    The All Mighty punished The Charismatic Enigma, leaving him barely able to stand. Hardy blocked the Hurt Lock, but Lashley transitioned into a sleeper. With sheer force of will, Hardy fought back up and hit Whisper in the Wind.

    Twist of Fate set up the Swanton Bomb, but Lashley dodged and hit a spear followed by the Hurt Lock. He refused to let go, even after Hardy tapped, but Riddle made the save.



    Lashley def. Hardy by pinfall.






    This was one of the best performances we have seen from either man in several months. The two brought their all to a fight that showed their veteran instincts. It was back-and-forth, focused on submissions and counters.

    Typical WWE booking might have had Hardy go over to get a future title shot. This was the better outcome. It continues to sell how dominant The All Mighty has been, and The Original Bro looks like the only one who can stop him.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt

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    Bray Wyatt laughed as he saw Randy Orton stomp around the ring. He kept that smile as he slammed The Viper onto the announce table with a back body drop. He ran off commentary, ready to do more damage.

    Orton turned the momentum around, punishing Wyatt, yet the "Firefly Fun House" host still showed his mirth in every moment. He almost enjoyed the pain. It fueled his comeback as he planted Orton with a running crossbody and DDT.

    The Viper blocked Sister Abigail and thumbed Wyatt in the eye followed by the draping DDT. The lights went out just as Orton hit an RKO, and The Fiend lay next to The Viper. He choked out Orton with a mandible claw to end the night.



    Orton vs. Wyatt goes to a no-contest.






    It is such a breath of fresh air to watch Wyatt. His matches are so character-focused to the point that every fight feels unique. The way Wyatt enjoyed his fight with Orton sold that he is still one step ahead of The Viper. Orton for his part kept the momentum going, not slowing for a second.

    The close was a brilliant reverse on last week. Orton thought he had the edge, but The Fiend went right back at him. It helped that Alexa Bliss, supposedly Wyatt's weakness, was nowhere to be seen. This story continues to grow more intense