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Monday, January 11, 2021

WWE Raw Full Show Live Streaming 11 January 2021 WWE Raw Highlights 11 January 2021


WWE Raw 1/11/21 January 11th 2021

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WWE Raw Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from January 11

Sana Ejaz Khan


    WWE is preparing for The Royal Rumble on January 31 but Monday's news could change things.

    Drew McIntyre has tested positive for covid 19 and will be quarantining himself for at least two weeks, which means there is a possibility he won't be back before the pay-per-view.

    The most important thing is his health, so WWE should plan around the possibility of not having him at the event. That means Goldberg might need something else to do.

    McIntyre addressed the WWE Universe this week and Triple H opened the show. No other segments were advertised ahead of time, so WWE was probably writing the show until the last minute.

    Let's take a look at everything that happened on Monday's Raw. 

A Feud Reborn

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    After a recap video of last week's show, Triple H made his way to the ring. He spoke for all of five seconds before he was interrupted by Randy Orton

    The Viper thought he deserved to have the WWE title handed to him due to McIntyre being out of action but Triple H told him he would have to win The Royal Rumble.

    The Game and The Legend Killer went back and forth a bit like they always do. Trips said he was proud of Orton when he put his own career ahead of everything else by lighting Bray Wyatt on fire.

    He also said he doesn't understand why Orton felt the need to embarrass so many legends. Orton said he is in his prime and challenged Triple H to a match. Trips turned him down at first but then punched him in the face, which Orton took as him agreeing to fight tonight.


    Grade: C+



    Triple H and Orton have been feuding on and off for almost two decades. There is no new ground to tread. This was a rehash of stuff we have seen a dozen times.

    Both guys pulled off their part in this segment but it fell flat because it felt too pre-planned, which is ironic seeing as it was probably something they set up late in the day.

    WWE has plenty of people who could have opened the show but this was sufficient. It just wasn't anything special. 

Charlotte vs. Lacey Evans

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    Charlotte Flair gave an interview before the match and said she and her father know things can get heated and there is no problem between them after last week. She also said Lacey Evans is not the first woman to hit on Ric in front of her.

    They locked up and The Queen forced Evans to the corner. She knocked Evans down with a running shoulder but let her get to her feet.

    Charlotte talked a lot of trash as she chopped away at The Sassy Southern Belle. She began working over the knee of Evans but failed to apply the Figure Four. For some reason, Ric's music hit and he made his way out to the ring as the show cut to a commercial.

    Charlotte continued to control the majority of the action until Evans ducked a big boot and whipped her down by her hair. As Charlotte was about to pin Evans, Ric put her foot on the bottom rope.

    Charlotte began to yell at him and he tripped her during a suplex and helped Evans win by holding her feet to prevent a kickout. Evans and Ric celebrated in the aisle. 


    Grade: C



    If Asuka is the Raw women's champion, why is Charlotte treated like the biggest star? 

    There is no denying how good The Queen is but WWE needs to start using the rest of the women's roster in meaningful ways. Naomi is healthy. Where is she?

    The match between Evans and Charlotte was kind of slow and illustrated how much Evans still needs to improve in the ring before she is on The Queen's level. 

    The alliance between Ric and Evans feels random but it's still new. Let's give it time before we judge the storyline harshly.

Jeff Hardy vs. Jaxson Ryker

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    The second match of the night saw Jeff Hardy take on Elias' new heavy, Jaxson Ryker. After an initial onslaught from Ryker, Hardy took him down and prepared for the Swanton. 

    Elias provided a distraction and Ryker rolled him up for the win. The Charismatic Enigma grabbed a mic and challenged Elias to face him. He said Elias was scared the world would think Ryker is better than him so Elias told him not to interfere under any circumstances. 

    After a break, the second part of this got started. Elias took an early lead and aggressively cornered Hardy for some shots to the body. The high-flyer took him down with Whisper in the Wind for a two-count. 

    The Enigma hit a Twist of Fate and a Swanton for the win. As ordered by Elias, Ryker did nothing to help. 


    Grade: C



    The match between Hardy and Ryker was obviously meant to build up heat for the bearded duo but all it did was make Hardy look more gullible than he should be after more than 20 years in the business.

    Elias and Ryker might work as a pairing eventually but they would be better off as a tag team. It's a weird look when the bodyguard is slightly smaller than the guy he is supposed to be protecting.

    Hardy is always fun to watch but even he couldn't pull a great match out of this situation. It wasn't bad. It just filled time. 

The Miz and Morrison vs. Sheamus and Keith Lee

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    After a confrontation backstage, Sheamus and Keith Lee decided to put their differences aside to take on The Miz and John Morrison in a tag match.

    JoMo and The Celtic Warrior started but Lee was quickly brought in by Sheamus for a double team combo. They showed no signs of animosity and seemed to want to work together.

    The Limitless One threw Morrison into The Miz and then tagged Sheamus. They seemed to be having fun as they took turns beating on their opponents. Lee crushed Morrison in the corner and the top rope snapped off the turnbuckle in what appeared to be a planned spot. Sheamus looked entertained. 

    We returned to see The Miz hit Sheamus with a DDT for a near-fall. The A-Lister cornered him so he and Morrison could take turns beating him down to the mat. 

    Lee got the hot tag and started bulldozing over both opponents. Sheamus tagged himself back in to hit the Brogue Kick for the win. They hugged and shook hands after the bell. 


    Grade: B+



    Surprisingly, Lee and Sheamus not only managed to get along, but they also made for a pretty good tag team. They hit some good double team moves and had no communication issues until the very end when Sheamus stole the win. Lee didn't even look mad about it. 

    If the plan is for Sheamus and Lee to become a tag team permanently, they would be quite the force to be reckoned with. Two versatile powerhouses like them could help add some depth to the division.

    This was the first match of the night that was worth watching from start to finish. All four guys looked good and the spot with the top rope breaking was both surprising and entertaining. 

Keith Lee vs. Sheamus

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    While they may have been getting along before the break, something happened during the commercial that caused Lee and Sheamus to get upset with each other.

    The match got started right away. They traded strikes until Lee hit a huge headbutt. He tied up Sheamus against the ropes and lit him up with clubbing blows to the chest.

    The Celtic Warrior took him out at the knee and whipped his left arm into the ring post a few times. He spent the next few minutes keeping The Limitless One grounded with various holds.

    Lee lifted him off the mat and dropped him to break an armbar before hit the Spirit Bomb for the pin. Lee offered Sheamus a fist bump after the match but Sheamus hugged him instead. 


    Grade: B



    Well, this certainly changes things. The announcers seemed just as confused as everyone watching at home as to why they were mad at each other. It made absolutely no sense.

    Had the announcers said something happened during the break, this might have been fine. They were literally hugging each other and smiling, so their renewed hostility seemed too sudden. 

    Thankfully, the two of them beat the stuffing out of each other and put on a good match. Sheamus' chest was quite red after all of the shots he took from Lee.

    The feud between Lee and Sheamus might not be original but at least they work well together. It will be interesting to see if they become a tag team or if this was just a way for them to move on. 

T-Bar vs. Xavier Woods

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    Xavier Woods came out by himself to take on T-Bar, who had the rest of Retribution by his side. Mustafa Ali asked where Kofi Kingston was as T-Bar took control.

    After a couple of minutes of T-Bar dominating the match, Woods hit a jawbreaker to give himself a chance to recover. He started to build up a head of steam as he hit a series of different moves.

    He nailed a missile dropkick that sent T-Bar out of the ring and followed up with a dropkick through the ropes. A distraction from Ali allowed T-Bar to yank Woods into the top rope.

    He picked Woods up and hit his finisher, which the announcers called Eyes Wide Shut, for the win. 


    Grade: B-



    This was decent but would have benefitted from being a bit longer. Kingston's absence was never really explained, so it seemed a bit odd for Woods to be by himself.

    Retribution is finally starting to pick up a little momentum but WWE needs to start letting Ali deliver the same kind of promos he has been giving on Raw Talk lately.