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Friday, February 12, 2021

WWE SmackDown Full Show Live Streaming 12 February 2021 WWE SmackDown Highlights 12 February 2021


WWE Smackdown Live 2/12/21 February 12th 2021

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WWE SmackDown Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction, Highlights from February 12
(Sana Ejaz Khan)


    With the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view coming up on February 21, this week's show was all about building up the event and the feuds that will make up the card.

    Roman Reigns promised us a big announcement regarding the universal title this week, but after Kevin Owens surprised him with a Stunner last week, The Tribal Chief had to keep his eyes peeled.

    This week also marked the return of Seth Rollins to the blue brand for the first time since Survivor Series after he appeared during the men's Royal Rumble match.

    What did Reigns have to say about the Universal Championship? What does The Messiah have planned now that he is back? Did Edge or Bianca Belair choose their WrestleMania opponent?

    Let's take a look at everything that happened on this week's episode of SmackDown. 

    Updates will begin after the first segment/match. Make sure to refresh this page for live results. 

Opening Segment

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    Reigns, Paul Heyman and Jey Uso came out at the top of the show. Adam Pearce was waiting in the ring with a binder. Reigns told Pearce he had no authority over the champ and he is just there to wait on him. 

    The Tribal Chief said he would put Edge into retirement again if they end up fighting at WrestleMania. He promised to keep the title for as long as he wanted before asking about Elimination Chamber.

    Pearce told him he had a contract that said Reigns would defend the Universal Championship inside the Elimination Chamber. Heyman took over and told Pearce Reigns would only defend the title at the PPV but he wouldn't do it inside the chamber. 

    Pearce said he would think about it but in the meantime, Uso and Owens would be in qualifying matches for a spot in the chamber. Reigns got in Pearce's face but ended up leaving without doing anything violent. 


    Grade: B-



    This was a solid segment but it didn't reveal anything we didn't already know. We knew there would be qualifying matches and we knew Reigns would defend the title in some way at the PPV.

    The Tribal Chief is great in this role but this segment bordered on repetitive. We've seen him assert his authority with Pearce before, so this did not tread any new ground.

    The twist of Uso possibly earning a spot inside the chamber was the most interesting thing to come out of this. Heyman, Reigns and Pearce were all good but this segment was almost unnecessary. 

King Corbin and Sami Zayn vs. Rey and Dominik Mysterio

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    Sonya Deville turned a tag team match with Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin taking on Rey and Dominik Mysterio into a chamber qualifier for both members of the winning team.

    Zayn gave a promo before the match that ended with him getting taken down by father and son. The ref called for the bell and The King started fighting Rey. Zayn tripped Rey, so Dom hit him with a suicide dive that almost ended with the young Superstar crashing into the announce table. 

    We returned from a break to see Rey trying to fight back against Corbin. Dom and Zayn tagged in and the younger Mysterio hit a nice tornado DDT for a near-fall. 

    Corbin took the 619 from both opponents but Zayn ended up hitting Dom with a Helluva Kick for the pin and the win. 


    Grade: B-



    Seeing a father and son team up in a WWE ring is always fun but when it comes to this feud, WWE needs to stick a fork in it because it should have been done by now.

    Corbin has fought both Mysterios in singles and tag matches with no meaningful storyline behind them so many times that it is almost too obvious that nobody has any idea what to do with the Mysterios now.

    Zayn's pre-match promo was as good as you would expect. He is amazing at making a nothing match seem like a main event because he is so passionate in his delivery.

    As far as the fight is concerned, all four guys did a decent job. Zayn and Corbin winning was the right call, too. Dominik isn't ready for a match like the chamber. 

Big E vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (IC Title)

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    Big E was in the ring to issue an open challenge for the IC title when Apollo Crews showed up. The champ told him he didn't get another shot after failing so many times, so Shinsuke Nakamura got the shot instead. 

    Crews stayed at ringside to watch as Big E took control after the break. He hit Nakamura with a few forearms and a splash on the apron. Crews got on the apron for a distraction and Nakamura took advantage with a kick to the head. 

    The Rockstar hit a flying knee from the middle rope for a two-count. Big E planted him with an urinagi for another near-fall. As Big E prepared to hit his finisher, Crews delivered a dropkick to cause a disqualification. 


    Grade: C+



    This was a short match, so neither Superstar involved had enough time to make it anything more than an average encounter. What mattered was what came after.

    Crews has been teasing a heel turn for weeks but it finally happened on Friday when he hit Big E with that dropkick. Now, Crews needs to prove he can be a convincing bad guy.

    Big E and Crews have great chemistry but they have already had five title matches in 2021. If this feud continues, it needs to end soon. 

Seth Rollins Is Back

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    The entire SmackDown roster was at ringside for Rollins' return promo. He talked about how becoming a father has changed him in ways he didn't expect. 

    He said he now realizes he is the great leader SmackDown needs to make it great. That is when the entire roster started to walk away. The lights came on and he realized the only person who stayed was Cesaro, but even he walked away eventually. 

    Rollins clipped Cesaro's knee as he walked up the ramp and started beating him down. Daniel Bryan and some officials came out to make the save. 


    Grade: C



    Rollins said he had been changed by the birth of his baby but then proceeded to spew the same nonsense about being a savior. Nothing has actually changed.

    This would have been a perfect opportunity for him to ditch the Messiah stuff but it looked more like he was doubling down. We will see where this goes but for now, it looks like Rollins is the same man he was last year.

    The promo he gave was fine but it won't be among his most memorable. The roster walking out on him didn't have the impact it should have but that is because it made no sense for everybody to be out there in the first place. 

Bayley vs. Liv Morgan

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    Liv Morgan came out of the gate with a dropkick as soon as the ref called for the bell. Bayley hit a back elbow before Morgan sent her into the middle rope and hit a dropkick to the back of her head.

    The Role Model rolled out of the ring and when Morgan tried to dive onto her, Bayley sidestepped and sent her into the barricade. 

    Morgan recovered and hit a facebuster for a two-count. Bayley knocked her off of the middle rope and hit a shoulderbreaker that caused Morgan to scream in pain. Morgan hit an enziguiri out of nowhere.

    Billie Kay came down to talk to Ruby Riott at ringside and the distraction led to Bayley hitting Morgan with her finisher for the win. 


    Grade: C+



    Morgan and Bayley both looked good in this bout but the finish was too much like everything else we have seen involving Kay and The Riott Squad. 

    Kay is a funny personality but WWE is treading water with her character. She either needs to join The Riott Squad or they need to make it clear they don't want her.

The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

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    Otis and Chad Gable battled Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in the next match. Dawkins and Gable kicked things off with an exchange of waistlocks on the mat. 

    Ford applauded their technical exchange and tagged in so he could have a go at Gable. The Street Profits took control momentarily but Gable was able to hit a belly-to-belly suplex so he could tag in Otis. 

    The Dozer went on a rampage and took out both men. He hit the Caterpillar on Dawkins. Gable tagged in for a double-team finisher but Ford took out Otis first.

    Dawkins planted Gable with a spinebuster to set Ford up for a huge splash to pick up the win. 


    Grade: B



    The team of Otis and Gable seemed random at first but they have meshed into a duo that makes sense. Both men have found success in amateur wrestling and are using it as part of their characters.

    As always, Ford and Dawkins worked as one. They are one of the best teams working today and never miss an opportunity to show off.

    It wasn't specifically stated that this was for a title shot but it wouldn't be surprising if the Profits used the win as leverage when they ask Pearce. 

The Dirty Dogs vs. Cesaro and Daniel Bryan

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    Despite being attacked by Rollins, Cesaro was able to compete in the main event alongside Bryan. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode looked confident as they made their entrance. This was another Chamber qualifier. 

    Bryan took control of Ziggler early but when Cesaro tagged in, The Showoff went after his injured knee. As soon as he could, Cesaro tagged out to recover.

    Roode was able to avoid a suicide dive from Bryan and he hit Cesaro by mistake. Corbin and Zayn came out to watch as the show went to a break. Reigns and Heyman were shown watching from backstage when we returned. 

    Ziggler and Roode controlled The Yes Man for a long time. The Swiss Superman finally got the hot tag and went wild on his opponents. Roode attacked his knee when he was about to swing Ziggler around by his feet. 

    Cesaro hit Ziggler with a torture rack backbreaker before locking in the Sharpshooter for the submission victory. Uso attacked them with a chair after the match. Corbin and Zayn joined in right away but Zayn eventually took out Corbin, too. KO ran down to hit Stunners on everyone like he is 1998 Stone Cold Steve Austin. The show ended with KO saying he was coming for Reigns. 


    Grade: B+



    The least shocking thing about Friday's show was that this ended up being the best match of the night. Ziggler, Roode, Cesaro and Bryan are some of the most reliable performers in the world, so they had no problem working together. 

    So far, Zayn, Corbin, Bryan and Cesaro have qualified for the Chamber. Owens and Uso will likely get their chances to qualify next week.

    This was a decent episode of SmackDown but it was a notch below some of the recent episodes in terms of moving storylines forward. A lot of what we saw felt repetitive.