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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 7

61. The blister form of copper is ____________ form.
(A) Impure
(B) Raw
(C) Pure
(D) Refined
62. Vitamin A is soluble in ?
(A) Water
(B) Fats
(C) Both A&B
(D) None of these
63. Vitamin B is soluble in ?
(A) Fats
(B) Water
(C) Both A&B
(D) None of these
64. There are __________ types of DNA.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
65. Nucleic acid was first discovered in ?
(A) 1869
(B) 1870
(C) 1871
(D) 1872
66. Mutation is a sudden chemical change in ?
(C) Cell
(D) Cell wall
67. Amino acids are the building blocks of ?
(A) Lipids
(B) Fats
(C) Vitamins
(D) Protein
68. Organic chemistry is the study of ?
(A) Carbon
(B) Metal
(C) Oxygen
(D) Carbon and its compounds
69. Enzymes are made of ?
(A) Protein
(B) Lipids
(C) Fats
(D) Minerals
70. Cause of acidic rain is ?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Sulphure Dioxide
(C) Carbonic Acid
(D) Carboxide
61. A
62. B
63. B
64. D
65. A
66. A
67. D
68. D
69. A
70. B

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Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 6

51. Most of the aquatic animals cannot survive above ?
(A) 30 °C
(B) 35 °C
(C) 50 °C
(D) 44 °C
52. Which one of the following disease is caused by mercury ?
(A) Typhoid
(B) Cholera
(C) Hepatitis
(D) Parkinson
53. The blister copper is refined by ?
(A) Boiling
(B) Concentration
(C) Electrolysis
(D) Reduction
54. Chemical formula of Urea is ?
(B) Na2CO3
55. Sodium carbonate is commercially manufactured by ?
(A) Ostwald’s Process
(B) Haber’s Process
(C) Frisch Process
(D) Solvay Process
56. Urea is probably, most important fertilizer ?
(A) Nitrogenous
(B) Sulphur
(C) Organic
(D) Phosphate
57. Petroleum is a mixture of many ?
(A) Salt
(B) Hydrocarbons
(C) Hydroxide
(D) Acids
58. Raw materials used for manufacturing urea are ?
(A) H2 & NH3
(B) CO2 & NH3
(C) HCL & NH3
(D) None of these
59. Which one is a step of metallurgical process ?
(A) Rustin
(B) Roasting
(C) Crystallization
(D) None of these
60. Different fractions of petroleum are separated by ?
(A) Cooling
(B) Fractional Distillation
(C) Steam distillation
(D) None of these
51. A
52. D
53. C
54. A
55. D
56. A
57. B
58. B
59. B
60. B

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Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 5

41. The reason of unusual physical properties of water is due to the presence of ?
(A) Covalent bond
(B) Coordinate cov. Bond
(C) Hydrogen bonding
(D) None of these
42. The density of water is one gram per centimeter cube at ?
(A) 60 °C
(B) 4 °C
(C) 100 °C
(D) 0 °C
43. The enormous quantity of water present on earth surface acts as giant thermostat due to its high ?
(A) Density
(B) Boiling Point
(C) Latent heat values
(D) Heat Capacity
44. The latent heat of fusion of water is ?
(A) 4.2 KJ/Mol
(B) 5.2 KJ/Mol
(C) 6 KJ/Mol
(D) 5.7 KJ/Mol
45. Dielectric constant of water at 18 °C is ?
(A) 70
(B) 80
(C) 84
(D) 75
46. Water gas is a mixture of ?
(A) Hydrogen & Oxygen
(B) Steam & Air
(C) CO & H2
(D) None of these
47. Chlorine act as a bleaching agent in the presence of ?
(A) HNO3
(B) NaOH
(D) H2O
48. The chemical formula of magnetic oxide is ?
(A) Fe3O4
(B) Fe2O3.H2O
(C) Fe2O3
(D) FeO
49. Rain water is acidic in nature because air contain ?
(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) All of these
50. Nutrient pollution of water bodies is caused by ?
(A) Nitrates & Phosphates
(B) Pathogens
(C) Acid rain
(D) Cal & Mag
41. C
42. B
43. D
44. C
45. B
46. C
47. D
48. A
49. A
50. A

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Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 4

31. Which one gives a mixture of hydrocarbons on halogenations ?
(A) Ethane
(B) Ethyl alcohol
(C) Ethene
(D) Ethyne
32. Baeyer’s test shows the presence of ?
(A) A double bond
(B) A triple bond
(C) Both A and B
(D) No bond
33. Which one is the least reactive ?
(A) Propane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethyne
(D) Ethane
34. Ethane reacts with chlorine in the presence of ?
(A) Sunlight
(B) Water
(C) Carbon tetra chloride
(D) Ether
35. ______________ is a factor related to blood clotting.
(A) Vitamin K
(B) Vitamin A
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin E
36. The coldest region in atmosphere is ?
(A) Mesopause
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Tropopause
(D) Stratopause
37. The freezing point of water is ___________ celcius.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 0
(D) 3
38. The total volume of water present on earth surface is ?
(A) 1.3 Trillion KM3
(B) 1.7 KM3
(C) 1.33 Million KM3
(D) 1.386 Billion KM3
39. The vital function of protoplasm is due to the presence of ?
(A) Water
(B) Fats
(C) Minerals
(D) Calcium
40. The quantity of fresh water present on eat is only about ?
(A) 2.5%
(B) 0.04%
(C) 2.2%
(D) 3.6%
31. D
32. C
33. D
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. C
38. D
39. A
40. A

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Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 3

21. Which of the following organic compound has different chemical properties?
(C) C5H11OH
22. Which of the following is inorganic?
(A) NaCN
(C) CH4
23. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol with conc. H2SO4 results in the formation of?
(A) Methane
(B) Ethene
(C) Ethane
(D) Acetylene
24. Which one of the following reagents distinguished ethene from acetylene?
(A) Bromine solution
(B) AgNO3
(C) Alcoholic KOH
(D) Carbon tetrachloride solution
25. Which one of the following decolorizes Br2 Water?
(A) Ethene
(B) Methane
(C) Propane
(D) Ethane
26. Ethene reacts with HBr, the compound formed is?
(A) Br-CH2-CH2-Br
(B) CH3-CH2-Br
(C) Acetylene
(D) CH3-CH2-CH3
27. Which of the following statement is not true for alkynes?
(A) They do not perform Baeyer’s Test
(B) They undergo addition reaction
(C) They burn to form CO2
(D) They contain a triple bond
28. All the member of alkane series has?
(A) All types of bonds
(B) All single bonds
(C) At least one double bond
(D) At least one triple bond
29. Baeyer’s reagent is?
(A) Hot KMnO4
(B) Alkaline KMnO4
(C) Conc. KMnO4
(D) Acidic KMnO4
30. Which one gives carboxylic acid with alkaline KMnO4?
(A) Acetylene
(B) Ethane
(C) Ethene
(D) Methane
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. A

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Chemistry MCQs /E book Library part 2

11. Lower the pH value _________ will be an acid.
(A) Weaker
(B) Neutral
(C) Stronger
(D) Alkaline
12. Which of the following is an organic compound ?
(A) CO
(B) C2H2
(C) CO2
(D) NaHCO3
13. Which one of the following is the general formula of alkenes ?
(A) CnH2n
(B) CnH2n-1
(C) CnH2n+1
(D) CnH2n-2
14. The Homologues has the same ?
(A) Density
(B) State
(C) Chemical Properties
(D) Colour
15. Carbon atom usually ?
(A) Gains four electron
(B) Forms four covalent bonds
(C) Ionizes
(D) Loses four electrons
16. Organic radical with general formula CnH2n+1 is ?
(A) Allyl
(B) Alkyl
(C) Pheny
(D) Benzyl
17. The next homologue of C8H18 is ?
(A) C9H20
(B) C9H18
(C) C8H16
(D) C7H14
18. Methane is the first member of Methane is the first member of ?
(A) Alcohol Series
(B) Carboxylic acids Series
(C) Alkane Series
(D) Alkene Series
19. The compound C3H8 must have ?
(A) An ionic bond
(B) At least one triple bond
(C) All single bonds
(D) At least one double bond
20. The name of C6H14 is ?
(A) Hexane
(B) Decane
(C) Propane
(D) Heptanes
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. C
20. A

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Chemistry MCQs / E book

1. pH of the neutral solution is ?
(A) 2
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 5
2. pH of the acidic solution is less than ?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 6
(D) 7
3. The branch of chemistry in which we study hydrocarbon and their derivatives is called ?
(A) Organic chemistry
(B) Inorganic chemistry
(C) Industrial chemistry
(D) Biochemistry
4. The metal present in combine state is called ?
(A) Metal
(B) Solid
(C) Minerals
(D) None of these
5. Which of the following is homogeneous mixture ?
(A) Smoke
(B) Fog
(C) Smog
(D) Air
6. Hydrogen has a positive charge ?
(A) Proton
(B) Electron
(C) Atom
(D) Neutron
7. Electron in its ground state does not ?
(A) Spin
(B) Revolve
(C) Reside in orbit
(D) Radiate energy
8. Number of periods in modern periodic table is ?
(A) 8
(B) 6
(C) 5
(D) 7
9. Which of the following is transition element ?
(A) Cu
(B) Cl
(C) S
(D) B
10. Ink spreads in water because of ?
(A) Vapor pressure
(B) Dipole movement
(C) Diffusion
(D) Osmosis
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. C

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English E book/ Intermeidiate Part 2

Goodbye Mr. Chips / Questions and Answers

Goodbye Mr. Chips by James Hilton
(i) Describe briefly the circumstances in which Mr.Chips came to join Brookfield public school.
(ii) Give a brief account of Mr.Chips’ interview with Mr.Weatherby and the first class taken by him at Brookfield.
(iii) What was the advice given to Mr.Chips by Mr.Weatherby? How did he act upon it?
(iv) Describe briefly how Colley prove to be the first boy punished by Mr.Chips at Brookfield.
Goodbye Mr.Chips is a biographical novel. Its story is based on the life history of an English school teacher. His real name was Mr.Chipping. But his friends & students called him Mr.Chips out of love & frankness. He was an average sort of person. He was simple, honest & polite person. He spent a year at Mulberry school. He had to leave it because he was teased by the students there. He could not maintain good discipline there. He came to Brookfield public school. Mr.Weatherby was its headmaster. He took interview of Mr.Chips. He advised him to become strict from the start. He also advised him to give his enthusiasm to Brookfield & Brookfield would give him something in return. Mr.Chips acted on his advice all his life. He took his first class in a big hall of Brookfield school. He was quite nervous. He wore anger to hide his nervousness. When he entered the class, suddenly silence fell. He reached his dice. A boy dropped his desk lid to confuse Mr.Chips. He thought that he must act strictly. Fortunately, he caught sight of the boy. His name was Colley. Mr.Chips punished him with hundred lines. Afterwards, nobody tried to tease him. He had won his first round.
(i) Describe the first encounter between Mr.Chips & Katherine.
(ii) What according to you is the most important incident in the life of Mr.Chips?
(iii) Describe the most interesting incident or scene in the novel.
(iv) How did Katherine & Mr.Chips meet each other?
(v) Give a brief account of the incident which resulted in the marriage of Mr.Chips & Katherine.
(vi) Narrate the circumstances which led to Mr.Chips’ marriage with Katherine.
(vii) Give a brief account of the marriage of Mr. Chips.
(viii) Describe the first meeting of Mr.Chips & Katherine. What was its impact on their future life?
Mr.Chips was a school teacher. He was now 48 years old. He was still a bachelor. In fact, he had not thought of marriage. He did not like the fashionable women of his age. He called them monstrous creatures. But, in 1896, a remarkable change took place in his life. During the summer vacation, he went to the Lake District to spend summer vacation there. One day he was standing at the foot of a hill called Great Gable. He noticed a girl. She was standing on a dangerous rock. She was waving her hand. Mr.Chips thought that she was in danger. He quickly ran to help her. But, unfortunately, he slipped and fell down. He sprained his ankle. The girl saw this and she considered herself responsible for the injury of Mr.Chips. She came down and took him to his resting place. Later on, it came out that she was not in trouble. In fact, she was calling her friend who was standing on the other side of the hill. Her name was Katherine. She was an extremely beautiful girl. She had freckled cheeks. She had blue and shining eyes. She had grey hair. She was 25 years old. She was highly educated. She was a governess out of job. She had modern views. Mr.Chips was much impressed with her. He liked her very much. His opinion about women completely changed. They fell in love and got married.
(i) Describe Katherine’influence on Mr.Chips & his work at Brookfield.
(ii) Give an account of Mr.Chips’ married life & the influence that Mrs.Chips had left on him.
(iii) Describe how the marriage of Mr.Chips influenced his life.
(iv) What influence did Katherine exercise on Mr.Chips?
(v) Point out the changes brought about by Katherine in the behaviour of Mr.Chips.
(vi) “Marriage of Mr.Chips & Katherine was a triumphant success.” Discuss.
(vii) “Marriage of Mr.Chips & Katherine was a marriage of old & new minds.” Discuss.
Mr.Chips was a conservative person. He got married with a modern girl. His wife was younger enough to look like his daughter. She was 25 years old. He himself was 48 years old. But despite this age difference, their marriage was a great success. In fact, it was a marriage of old & new minds. She was greatly popular among boys and schoolmasters. She did not feel shy of mixing with others. Before marriage, Mr.Chips was rather a dry & neutral sort of person. But Kathi completely changed him and made him a new man. He gained self-confidence. His mind became sharp & clever. His eyes gained sparkle. His dress & manners also improved. His sense of humour & discipline also improved. In fact, Kathi proved an ideal wife. She was a blessing and a gift of God to him. She had modern views & ideas. She liked modern writers like GB Shaw, Ibsen & William Morris. She was a great supporter of the freedom of women. She liked them to get higher education and have right to vote. She poured all her ideas into Mr.Chips.
(i) Describe the quarrel between Mr.Chips & Ralston.
(ii) What do you know about the row between Mr.Chips & his new headmaster? What was its result?
(iii) Why did Ralston ask Mr.Chips to retire from service? What reply did Chips give to the headmaster?
(iv) How did Chips defend himself in his quarrel with Ralston?
(v) Describe the incident which reveals the popularity of Mr.Chips.
Mr.Ralston was a new headmaster of Brookfield public school. He was highly educated. He was an energetic & ambitious person. He was a strict fellow. All the teachers and students were afraid of him. He wanted to raise the status of Brookfield. He introduced many reforms in the method of teaching. He did not like Mr.Chips. He wanted to get rid of him. He thought that an old person like Chips was useless for modern times. He thought that Greek & Latin were dead languages. He believed that English students should be educated in science & technology. He often pressurized Mr.Chips to get retirement from school. He considered Mr.Chips a burden on school. He often criticized his way of teaching & pronunciation. One day he called Mr.Chips to his office. He criticized him for his poor result. He asked him to retire. Mr.Chips refused to retire and asked Mr.Ralston to do what he pleased. By chance, a student overheard their quarrel. He told other students. Soon the news spread like wild fire that Mr.Ralston had insulted Chips. All the teachers, students & their parents supported Chips. Mr.Ralston was left alone. The governor of the school visited Brookfield. He had been a student of Mr.Chips. He assured Mr.Chips that nobody could sack him. Mr.Ralston was greatly disappointed and left the school.
(i) How did Mr.Chips retire in 1913? Reproduce his speech at the farewell function.
(ii) Write a note on farewell speech of Mr.Chips at Brookfield particularly referring to jokes in it.
Mr.Chips was a school teacher at Brookfield public school. He spent his whole life at this school and became a symbol of its past and traditions. He had gained great popularity in the school. It was in the winter of 1913 that Mr.Chips fell ill. He could not attend school. He had grown to be 65 years old. He himself felt that he was now very weak and aged. Therefore, he decided to retire. It was in July, 1913 that a grand farewell feast was held in his honour. All the students as well as teachers participated. He was heavily garlanded. He was given presents as token of love & friendship. They made speeches to pay tribute to his nobility of nature and his sense of duty. At last, Mr.Chips rose to deliver his speech. It was not a very long speech. But it was full of jokes & Latin quotations. Mr.Chips referred to the speech of the school captain who had highly praised the services of Mr.Chips to Brookfield school. Mr.Chips said that it was exaggeration. He told the audience that the captain belonged to an exaggerated family. He told them that he had given one mark to the father of the captain but he exaggerated it into seven. They all began to laugh. They cheered for him. Then Mr.Chips became serious. He told them that he had spent 42 years in this school. He had seen many ups & downs in this school. He requested his dear students not to forget him in future. After that he left the school with a heavy heart and began to live in the house of Mrs.Wickett as a paying guest.
(i) Why had Mr.Chips to be reappointed at Brookfield? Write a note on his second term.
(ii) Write a note on Mr.Chips as Headmaster.
(iii) Describe briefly the circumstances in which Mr.Chips was requested to join Brookfield again.
(iv) How did Mr.Chips perform his duties as Headmaster?
Mr.Chips retired from Brookfield school in 1913 at the age of 65. In 1914, the First World War started. Most of the young teachers at Brookfield were sent to the battlefield. Mr.Chatteris was the headmaster of Brookfield at that time. He was not satisfied with the work of the new teachers who were inexperienced. There was serious problem of discipline. The students were becoming very naughty & disobedient. One evening Mr.Chatteris came to meet Mr.Chips. He requested Mr.Chips to rejoin Brookfield school to maintain discipline & order there. In fact, Mr.Chatteris was very ill. He could not manage the affairs of Brookfield school all alone. Therefore, he asked Mr.Chips to rejoin Brookfield and help him run the school well. Mr.Chips was much delighted and accepted the offer. So in 1916, Mr.Chips restarted teaching at Brookfield. He felt pleasure in repeating the same old lessons and jokes to the new generation. During the winter of 1917, Mr.Chatteris fell seriously ill and died. Mr.Chips was made acting headmaster of Brookfield school. He worked well. Even when German warplanes dropped bombs in and around the school, he took classes. He encouraged his young students with his jokes. At last, in 1918 the World War came to an end. He sent his resignation to the board of governors & retired for good.
(i) Describe Mr.Chips’ life after retirement from teaching.
(ii) Give a brief account of the last days of Mr.Chips’ life.
(iii) Describe in your own words the event of Mr.Chips’ death.
(iv) Describe one of the sad scenes of the novel.
(v) “After spending a long & quiet life, Mr.Chips peacefully passed away”. Explain.
(vi) “A decent career decently ended”. Does it sum up the life of Mr.Chips?
(vii) Who was the last person to say goodbye to Mr.Chips that led to his death?
(viii) Describe the meeting between Mr.Chips & Linford.
This novel is a story of a dedicated & devoted school teacher named Mr.Chipping. He had no other interest & ambition in life than teaching. After retirement Mr.Chips lived for another 15 years. He had rented a room in the house of Mrs.Wickett. He was still healthy & fit. But sometimes he caught cold. Therefore, he remained indoor in winter season. His days & nghts were full of dreaming. He often remembered his beloved wife who was long dead. He cherished her memories. He remembered his old days when he was at Brookfield school. He used to invite new teachers & students to tea. He served them cakes. At night, he used to carry a detective novel to bed. But, before reading a half page, he was soon asleep. He was invited to the functions & dinners of Brookfield school as a guest of honour. He wanted to write a book named “Memories of rod & lines”. But writing made him tired. He could not complete it. One day a small student came to meet him. His name was Linford. His friends actually played a trick on him by saying that Mr.Chips wanted to meet him. Mr.Chips served him with tea and cakes. He chatted with the young student. When Linford left his house, he said goodbye to Mr.Chips. His words cast a spell on Chips. He remembered that Kathi had used these words before the night of marriage. He remembered his dear & sweet wife. The words were same. But time was not same. There was nobody to say him goodbye. Soon, he fell unconscious & died remembering his old students.
(i) Write a note on Brookfield public school.
(ii) What do you learn about Brookfield public school from your study of the novel?
(iii) Give your impressions of Brookfield public school as an educational institution.
(iv) What contributions did Brookfield make to England?
Brookfield was an old foundation. It was set up in the reign of queen Elizabeth in the 16th century. It was situated in a beautiful area surrounded by elm trees. Its main building was rebuilt & enlarged during the reign of King George 1. It was a grammar school of second rank. Its reputation saw many ups & downs. It was not so famous as Harrow & Eton schools. Mr.Weatherby restored its reputation somewhat. Mr.Ralston raised its status so high that for the first time in its history, there was a long waiting list of students who wanted to get admission in this school. Mr.Chips spent his whole life at this school and became a symbol of its past and traditions. He had gained great popularity in the school. It was a residential school. It imparted education in languages & social sciences. It produced history-making personalities like members of parliament, colonial administrators & bishops. But, mostly, it produced merchants, manufacturers, professional men, army officers & parsons. This school aimed at overall training of the students. The students were required to stay at the hostel where their interests & activities were watched & guided strictly. In short, Brookfield contributed a lot to the progress and development of England.
(i) Write a note on Mr.Chips’ humour.
(ii) Write a note on Mr.Chips as a great jester.
Mr.Chips had the God-gifted quality of wit & humour. He always looked at the funny side of things. This quality was his source of strength & an important cause of his popularity. His humour was sudden, effortless & harmless. Wherever he went, people expected something funny from him. He liked to laugh with the people instead of laughing at them. While scolding the son of Colley, the first boy punished by him, he said, “Your father deserved the punishment then & you deserve t now”. Mr.Chips had reached an age where he could take liberty with anybody. His sense of humour blossomed after his marriage with Katherine. He always looked for an opportunity to amuse his listeners. For example, when he was making his farewell speech, he said that it was an exaggeration when the school captain praised his services to the school. He told the audience that the captain belonged to an exaggerated family. He told them that he had given one mark to the father of the captain but he exaggerated it into seven. They all began to laugh. They cheered for him. Chips’ sense of humour could not be stopped even in the moments of danger. During World War, when enemy planes bombed the school building, he cut jokes and boosted the moral of his students.
(i) Discuss Goodbye Mr.Chips as a novel of character.
Goodbye Mr.Chips by James Hilton is a short, simple but interesting novel. It is basically a character novel. The author wants to show some salient features of the personality of an English teacher named Mr.Chipping. it is a modern kind of novel which aims to provide ideas & views of life instead of thrill of action. There is no tale of love, no romantic scenes, no dramatic situation & no sensational incidents to entertain the readers. Similarly the novelist has made no attempt to teach any moral lesson or a new philosophy of life. The plot of this novel is very loose and formless. The story has been narrated in a flash-back & random manner. It is generally a collection of mixed memories. After reading this novel, we come to know about the early life of Mr.Chips, his educational career, his aptitude for the teaching profession, his performance of duties as a teacher, his attitude towards his students & women, his conservative views & humorous remarks & his life after retirement. The novelist has presented the life & personality of Mr.Chips in a vivid & graphic manner. We can see Mr.Chips taking his classes, calling the roll, delivering speech, talking with his students and entertaing them with tea & cakes. All these ideas , feelings, impressions, experiences, remarks & memories of Mr.Chips serve as the texture of the plot of the novel. There is nothing super human or extraordinary about Mr.Chips. Although he is an imaginary creature,yet he has been made quite life-like & believable person.


Mr. Chips

Mr.Chips is the central character of the novel. He was a born teacher. He was very devoted & dedicated. He performed his duties very well. He became quite successful and popular in the school after his marriage with Katherine. His real name was Mr.Chipping. But his friends & students called him Mr.Chips out of love & frankness. He was an average sort of person. He was simple, honest & polite person. Mr.Chips was a conservative person. He got married with a modern girl. His wife was younger enough to look like his daughter. She was 25 years old. He himself was 48 years old. But despite this age difference, their marriage was a great success. . Before marriage, Mr.Chips was rather a dry & neutral sort of person. But Kathi completely changed him and made him a new man. He gained self-confidence. His mind became sharp & clever. His eyes gained sparkle. His dress & manners also improved. His sense of humour & discipline also improved. Mr.Chips had the God-gifted quality of wit & humour. He always looked at the funny side of things. This quality was his source of strength & an important cause of his popularity. His humour was sudden, effortless & harmless. Wherever he went, people expected something funny from him. He liked to laugh with the people instead of laughing at them.


Katherine is the heroine of the novel. She was an extremely beautiful girl. She had freckled cheeks. She had blue and shining eyes. She had grey hair. She was 25 years old. She was highly educated. She was a governess out of job. She had modern views. Mr.Chips was much impressed with her. He liked her very much. His opinion about women completely changed. They fell in love and got married. Kathi proved an ideal wife. She was a blessing and a gift of God to him. She had modern views & ideas. She liked modern writers like GB Shaw, Ibsen & William Morris. She was a great supporter of the freedom of women. She liked them to get higher education and have right to vote. She poured all her ideas into Mr.Chips

Mr. Weatherby

He was headmaster of Brookfield school. He was very kind to Mr.Chips. In fact, he was a fatherly figure. He took interview of Mr.Chips. He advised him to become strict from the start. He also advised him to give his enthusiasm to Brookfield & Brookfield would give him something in return. Mr.Chips acted on his advice all his life.

Mr. Chatteris

Mr. Chatteris remained headmaster of Brookfield public school from 1911 to 1918. He was a patient of Diabetes. He was very friendly towards Mr.Chips. He was a hard worker. In 1914, the First World War started. Most of the young teachers at Brookfield were sent to the battlefield. Mr. Chatteris was the headmaster of Brookfield at that time. He was not satisfied with the work of the new teachers who were inexperienced. There was serious problem of discipline. The students were becoming very naughty & disobedient. One evening Mr. Chatteris came to meet Mr.Chips. He requested Mr.Chips to rejoin Brookfield school to maintain discipline & order there. In fact, Mr. Chatteris was very ill. He could not manage the affairs of Brookfield school all alone. Therefore, he asked Mr.Chips to rejoin Brookfield and help him run the school well. Mr.Chips often remembered him in good words.

Mrs. Wickett

She was the landlady of Mr.Chips. She had been in-charge of linen room of Brookfield school. She served Mr.Chips very faithfully & sincerely. She tried her best to bring comfort and relief to him. She was his companion of loneliness. Mr.Chips often talked to her on different topics. She remained true to her all his life

Dr. Merival

Dr. Merival was family doctor of Mr.Chips. he came to visit him after two weeks. He took care of his health & advised him. He joked & chatted with Mr.Chips. he used to tell him that he was an old boy who was still fitter & stronger. He was a sincere & devoted fellow.

Mustafa Kamal

Louis Pasteur

Sir Alexander Fleming

Hitch Hiking across the Sahara

First Year at Harrow

The Jewel of the World

Hunger and Population Explosion

China way to Progress

My Financial Career

The Man Who was Hospital

On Destroying Books

End of Terms


Why Boy Fail In College

Using the Scientific Method

The Dying Sun

Good Bye Mr. Chips

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