Sunday 5 May 2019

Overcoat Short textual questions and answers

1. What was the colour of the overcoat of the young man?
The young man was wearing a brown overcoat. It looked nice and new. It was well-cut and made of fine material. It had hidden the real personality of the young man. It made him a new man. He looked dandy and rich.
2. How did he look like?
The young man was wearing a brown overcoat. It looked nice and new. It had hidden the real personality of the young man. It made him a new man. He looked dandy and impressive.Though he was poor, yet he looked like a rich man. His hair was sleek and shining and he wore side burns. He had a very beautiful thin moustache.
3. Why did the people come out on the Mall?
The people came out on the Mall to enjoy the pleasant weather. It was a cold that induced people to seek comfort in pleasure. The people seemed excited at the pleasant weather. They did not care for intense cold and started relishing it. They wanted to get some moments of joy out of their daily boring routine.
4. Who were the people wearing such dress and had come on the Mall?
At that time, all sorts of people came out from their homes and began to join the gaiety of the streets. They began to visit different shops, hotels, restaurants and snack bars to amuse themselves. They ate and danced with joy. Up and down the main road there was an unending stream of cars, buses, tongas and bicycles while the pavement was full of pedestrians.
5. Why was the cat shivering?
It was winter season. It was intense cold outside. The cat was shivering with cold. She began to rub herself with the legs of the young man who stroked her gently. The poor creature wanted to keep herself warm.
6. Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?
The driver of the truck heard a shriek. He slowed down his truck for a moment. But, he realized that something serious had happened. He took advantage of the darkness and sped away into the night. He wanted to escape arrest by the police for murder.
7. Who took the young man to the hospital?
The young man met a serious accident. He was lying in a pool of blood. He was badly hurt. His life was in danger. Some passers-by showed great spirit of humanism and sympathy. They stopped a car and he was loaded into it and taken to a nearby hospital.
8. What kind of music was played in one of the restaurants?
An orchestra was playing in one of the restaurants. It was very charming and melodious. Many people were intently listening to it. Though the music was in foreign language, yet the people were much impressed with it.

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