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Monday, September 6, 2021

WWE Raw Highlights 6 September 2021


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WWE Raw Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from September 6

Sana Ejaz Khan


    Monday's WWE Raw put in a lot of work toward building the card for Extreme Rules on September 26.

    RK-Bro's next set of challengers for the Raw tag titles was determined through a tag team turmoil match that included Veer and Jinder Mahal, Mace and T-Bar, Mustafa Ali and Mansoor, The Viking Raiders, AJ Styles and Omos, The New Day and Lucha House Party.

    After both men fell short against Damian Priest last week, Sheamus and Drew McIntyre fought in a No. 1 Contender's match to see who would challenge The Archer of Infamy at the pay-per-view.

    Charlotte Flair put the Raw Women's Championship on the line against Nia Jax, Reggie battled Akira Tozawa for the 24/7 title and Nikki A.S.H. teamed up with Rhea Ripley to face Natalya and Tamina.

    Let's take a look at everything that happened on Monday's Raw.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

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    The U.S. Championship No. 1 Contender's match was up second after the turmoil match. Sheamus still had his protective mask on and offered a handshake in jest. McIntyre offered him a different hand gesture in response.

    They locked up and fought for control until The Celtic Warrior wrestled McIntyre down in a headlock. They took turns running each other over with shoulder tackles before The Scottish Warrior hit a few chest chops in the corner.

    Sheamus hit a few of the 10 Beats of the Bodhran, but McIntyre countered and gave him a taste of his own medicine. Sheamus dropped down to hang him up on the top rope before hitting a flying clothesline from the top rope down to the floor.

    McIntyre hit a spinebuster out of nowhere for a two-count. We returned from a break to see McIntyre taking control. He hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex from the top rope for a two-count.

    The Celtic Warrior lined up for the Brogue Kick but ran into a clothesline. McIntyre ran him into the ring post before applying a kimura lock. Sheamus barely made it to the bottom rope to force a break.

    He drilled McIntyre with a knee to the face for a near-fall. McIntyre hit Sheamus with his own version of White Noise for another two-count. He ripped the mask off Sheamus, but when he went for the Claymore, Sheamus rolled him up with a handful of tights for the win.

    Grade: A-



    This match was, as Big E would say, two big meaty men slapping meat. McIntyre and Sheamus may have had one too many matches over the past year, but they never disappoint with their efforts.

    Sheamus and McIntyre being so familiar with each other is part of what makes them a great combination, but it also has a lot to do with how quick and agile both men are for two guys who are known as powerhouses. They are more versatile than a lot of Superstars who are that size.

    This was fun from start to finish. That's two great performances in a row for these guys after last week's Triple Threat with Damian Priest.

Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya and Tamina

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    Nikki and Ripley gave a slightly awkward promo before the match, but that was the tone they intended to have. They are still trying to find their groove as a team.

    Nikki used her speed to avoid Tamina's grasp for a little bit, but the powerhouse sat her on the top turnbuckle and delivered a big headbutt.

    Ripley tagged in and used Nikki as a weapon to take Tamina down. A slugfest broke out between the two before Natalya came in. The Almost Superhero tagged in, and Ripley used her as a weapon again.

    We returned from a break to see Ripley building up a head of steam. Natalya missed a tag, and Ripley hit the Riptide for the win.

    Grade: B-



    The odd-couple dynamic between Nikki and Ripley could develop into something interesting, but it is far from that point. Right now, they are a random duo who feel disconnected.

    The match itself was all right, and some of the double-team moves with Ripley using Nikki as a weapon were creative. It just lacked any urgency.

    There was no guaranteed title shot for Ripley and Nikki if they won, and there isn't much of a feud behind this match, but at least it looks like Ripley and Nikki will be in the running for a women's tag title shot.

Karrion Kross vs. John Morrison

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    After a tense episode of Moist TV, John Morrison and Karrion Kross met for a singles match. Kross took control almost immediately and nearly won within a minute with the Kross Jacket submission.

    Johnny Drip Drip made it to the bottom rope to force a break. He sprayed Kross with a drip stick, but it just caused the former NXT champion to become more enraged. He threw Morrison over the ring post to the floor in a vicious spot.

    He brought Morrison back in and reapplied the Kross Jacket for the win.

    Grade: C+



    This is how Kross should have been booked from the moment he arrived on Raw. This was a dominant performance that made him look more dangerous than all of his previous matches on the main roster.

    The bout was short by design, so it didn't have a chance to include more than the one exciting spot, but from the standpoint of pushing Kross as a monster, it worked well.

Charlotte Flair vs. Nia Jax (Raw Women's Championship)

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    Charlotte and Jax each had chances to give quick interviews during the show before this match took place. They gave the exact speeches you would expect them to give in this situation.

    Shayna Baszler taunted Jax a little before the match, and it allowed Charlotte to go after her from behind. They tried to recreate their tension from last week with some trash-talking and slaps to the face.

    The Queen rolled out of the ring and acted like she was going to let herself be counted out, but Jax grabbed her by the hair and brought her back in for a clothesline.

    Charlotte went after her knee to soften her up for the Figure-Eight, but Jax countered and ran her into the turnbuckle. The champ hit a powerbomb from the corner for a close two-count.

    We returned from a break to see Jax being thrown into the ring post and out to the floor. Charlotte climbed up to the top rope and hit a moonsault to take her challenger down. Baszler almost hit Jax by mistake, but they caught themselves.

    The Queen of Spades got on the apron and distracted Jax before Charlotte hit Natural Selection from the middle rope for the win. Alexa Bliss invited Charlotte to her playground, but Charlotte turned the invitation down. The video was clearly pre-recorded because one of Bliss' replies started too soon.

    Bliss appeared in the ring holding her doll, and The Queen looked unphased. She asked what Bliss wanted, and she pointed to the title on her shoulder.

    Grade: C+



    They may not have been able to convincingly recreate their awkward moment from last week, but Charlotte and Jax did a good job making this a physical battle.

    Charlotte is such a natural heel that she doesn't even have to try. Everything she does is perfectly in line with her character. She's always consistent in that way.

    This was a strong showing, but the outcome was telegraphed too much throughout the match. It felt anticlimactic when Charlotte won. At least it looks like WWE may finally pull the trigger on breaking up Jax and Baszler.

    The setup for Bliss vs. Charlotte was done well, especially for a character that has been booked so inconsistently as of late. If they keep the supernatural stuff to a minimum, The Queen vs. Bliss could be a good match.

Reggie vs. Akira Tozawa

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    Instead of meeting in a park during a random promo, Reggie and Tozawa had a real match in the ring for the 24/7 Championship.

    Reggie used his unique brand of Cirque du Soleil offense to score the win in about a minute. R-Truth ran down and was soon followed by Cedric Alexander, Humberto Carrillo and a handful of other high-flyers.

    Reggie managed to avoid and take out everyone until Drake Maverick appeared behind him. He literally did nothing as Reggie and Truth ran past him.

    Grade: D



    Reggie and Tozawa are both talented athletes, so it's a little disappointing to see their talents wasted with such a short and uneventful match.

    Unlike Kross' quick win earlier in the night, this didn't make Reggie look dominant. It made him look lucky.

    Maverick's appearance was random, but hopefully it leads to him doing something more entertaining on Raw than just becoming another random guy who chases the 24/7 title.

Tag Team Turmoil

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    Raw opened with each of the teams in the tag team turmoil giving quick backstage promos about the match. When we went live in the arena, Randy Orton and Riddle came to the ring to give their thoughts.

    Bobby Lashley and MVP joined them and wanted payback for the RKO that The Viper delivered last week. The All Mighty challenged Orton to a singles match, and The Legend Killer said he would accept on one condition. He wanted it to be a WWE title bout. MVP took Lashley aside and then said the match would happen at Extreme Rules. Lashley added that they were also going to get into the turmoil match.

    Erik and Ivar started off against Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. The returning Kingston took control before Ivar crushed him with a seated senton. After a fun back-and-forth exchange, Woods scored the win with an inside cradle. Mahal and Veer were up next.

    Kingston and Woods tried to get the upper hand right away by attacking them during their entrance. Woods hit a huge crossbody to Mahal for a close two-count. The powerhouses dominated through the commercial break, but Woods and Kingston were able to hit Midnight Hour to get another W.

    Lucha House Party met them at ringside with a pair of moonsaults. Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado stayed on Woods with quick tags and double-team spots. Somehow, Woods managed to counter a move and get a third victory. He and Kingston had no time to celebrate before Mace and T-Bar came to the ring.

    Mace and T-Bar took advantage of The New Day's existing wear and tear from this match. Once again, Woods managed to squeak out a win with a surprise roll-up. Mace and T-Bar took out their frustrations on both men before Mustafa Ali and Mansoor made their entrance.

    Mansoor tried to help fight off Mace and T-Bar while Ali yelled at him not to. Ali eventually tried to help his partner, but he ended up getting taken out, too. Mace and T-Bar used the steps to dish out some extra punishment before finally leaving the ring.

    Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce announced the two teams would be given some time to recover before they finish up with AJ Styles, Omos, Lashley and MVP. As the show approached its final half-hour, Woods and Kingston came back out to continue their quest for gold.

    Ali and Kingston started off with a basic lockup into a wristlock. Ali tagged himself in when Mansoor took pity on an injured Woods. Kingston was able to tag in and give his partner a breather. He hit Ali with Trouble in Paradise before Woods hit a huge flying elbow for the win.

    Styles and Omos came out as Woods and Kingston looked almost too tired to continue. Styles was firmly in control of Woods after a commercial break. Every time Woods tried to make a comeback, Styles and Omos were able to stop him. Omos helped AJ hit the Styles Clash to eliminate The New Day.

    Lashley and MVP were the final participants and came out looking ready for action. The All Mighty slammed The Phenomenal One to take control right away. Once Omos tagged in, the crowd came alive. He and Lashley locked fingers for a test of strength. The WWE champion kicked Omos in the gut and backed him to the corner for some shoulders to the body.

    He tried to suplex Omos, but the big man reversed it and dropped him on his face. Lashley and Orton had a confrontation that was broken up when Styles took out both men. Omos threw Riddle into the barricade while MVP was taken out by Styles. Lashley cut Styles in half with a Spear to get the win.

    This means Lashley will battle Orton for the WWE title and The Hurt Business will take on RK-Bro for the tag titles. Omos hit The All Mighty with a two-handed chokeslam before he left with Styles. Orton finished Lashley off with another RKO out of nowhere.

    Grade: A



    Starting off a three-hour show with almost an hour of pure pro wrestling is the best thing WWE has done in months. The quick promos before the match helped make the tag titles feel important and helped reestablish Raw's competitive tag team division.

    There is a lot of talent in this division, and it was great to see it highlighted in such a strong way. Each team had their moment to shine, but The New Day clearly had the best showing.

    Mace and T-Bar looked dangerous for the first time, Erik and Ivar looked great, Lucha House Party had some fun spots, and a couple of different feuds were addressed at the same time.

    The final portion of this match featured more great action. The outcome was predictable, but how we got there was a fun ride. The New Day lasting so long will definitely keep the team in the conversation for a future tag title shot.

    As a whole, this was a pretty solid episode of Raw. A few segments were little more than filler, but most of what we saw was entertaining.