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Monday, December 28, 2020

WWE Raw Highlights 28 December 2020 Full Show HD


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WWE Raw Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from December 28

Sana Ejaz Khan

    2021 is on the immediate horizon, and that means The Road to WrestleMania is approaching. The December 28 edition of Monday Night Raw was the red brand's final addition to the 2020 year in wrestling.

    The biggest story Raw has to offer is the strange and brutal warfare between Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt. After burning The Fiend alive, The Viper thought he was done with Wyatt. Instead, Alexa Bliss promised he would return. This week, she had plans to torment Orton further in Alexa's Playground.

    Charlotte Flair was out of action for six months following the heinous attack of Nia Jax. This week, The Queen got her revenge. She and The Indomitable Force would battle one-on-one for the first time in years.

    In another huge match, Keith Lee fought Sheamus for a chance at the WWE champion, Drew McIntyre. Only one man would be granted the honor of fighting The Scottish Psychopath next week on Raw.

    After months of torment, Ricochet was done fighting lackeys. The One and Only demanded a match with Mustafa Ali, and the leader of Retribution was happy to accept.

    This show had the build to bring big moments to close out 2020. With major stories including Orton, Charlotte and McIntyre, this Raw had the potential to be the first in a long time where the red brand exceeded all expectations.

No. 1 Contender: Keith Lee vs. Sheamus

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    A tribute picture for the late Jon Huber (Luke Harper in WWE) was shown ahead of the show.

    Drew McIntyre opened the show to talk about his future challengers Sheamus and Keith Lee. The Celtic Warrior arrived to make clear that he did not lie to The Scottish Psychopath, only Brogue Kicking The Limitless One off after the bell.

    Lee said McIntyre's word was worth nothing after last week, and he was done working with the two men. McIntyre wanted a referee to come out and start the show off with the No. 1 Contender's match. As a referee arrived, Sheamus hit back-to-back Brogue Kicks.

    McIntyre joined commentary as the bell rang. The Limitless One took control once he had recovered from the pre-match attack, throwing around Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior fought back and blasted Lee onto the announce table with a top-rope double ax handle.

    Sheamus held the action together for a while, but the power of Lee was overwhelming. A spinebuster and running crossbody from The Limitless One nearly put the match away. The Celtic Warrior fought back with White Noise for a near-fall.

    Just as it looked like neither man could possibly do anything more to the other, The Limitless One planted The Celtic Warrior with a Spirit Bomb to take an emphatic victory.



    Lee def. Sheamus by pinfall to earn a WWE Championship match against McIntyre next week.






    Sheamus has been rock-solid in the ring for much of his career, but his work in 2020 has been especially excellent and underrated. This match was one of his most high-profile successes. He pulled out all the stops against the physical presence and power of Lee.

    The Limitless One brought it as well in one of his best matches in WWE to date. This was all-around excellent wrestling. It was never clear who would win, yet WWE never shied away from the emphatic clean ending.

    This was a huge moment from Lee on par with his victory over Randy Orton. He has a chance to take things to the next level now with McIntyre. Even if the end goal is McIntyre vs. Sheamus, The Limitless One got a huge rub in the mix of that story.

The Miz (w/ John Morrison) vs. Gran Metalik (w/ Lince Dorado)

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    Lucha House Party mocked The Miz ahead of this match, calling him delusional for thinking he would get his Money in the Bank briefcase back.

    The A-Lister was angry, but he spent too much time mocking Gran Metalik and not getting the win. This allowed the luchador to stay in the fight until he was able to roll up Miz for three.

    Near the end of the night, Adam Pearce returned the Money in the Bank briefcase to Miz, stating that The A-Lister was right and only Miz could cash in the briefcase.



    Metalik def. Miz by pinfall.






    While Metalik winning was a welcome move with an underused star, this match was a non-factor. Miz and Metalik barely got going before the generic underdog roll-up victory. It was honestly too predictable for a moment that should have been shocking.

    The A-Lister has not been dominant enough lately to sell this story of losing his nerve. WWE is trying to make out Miz to be a bigger star than he has been to put over other talent. The only positive here is potentially building up Metalik and Lince Dorado in the tag team division.

Shayna Baszler vs. Dana Brooke (w/ Mandy Rose)

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    Shayna Baszler showed a complete lack of humanity as she targeted the left arm of Dana Brooke. Her assault looked bad enough to break the limb in front of Mandy Rose, the woman The Queen of Spades had badly injured not long ago.

    Brooke was out of her depth until Baszler got distracted trying to re-injure God's Greatest Creation on the outside. The distraction almost cost The Queen of Spades the win following a spinning neckbreaker. However, Baszler kicked out and caught Brooke with a knee strike into the Kirifuda Clutch for the win.

    Afterward, Baszler pulled in Rose to make her tap out to the Kirifuda Clutch as well.



    Baszler def. Brooke by submission.






    While this segment felt out of place with Nia Jax facing Charlotte Flair the same night, the match worked well. The Queen of Spades did not fall to the underdog story. She did what she does best and made sure her opponent suffered.

    Brooke sold the limb manipulation well and had an impressive comeback sequence that felt like it might seal the win. Baszler had to win in the end if she is going to be in title contention. She is the best option to challenge Asuka for the Raw Women's Championship.

Alexa Bliss Demands a Match with Randy Orton After Destroying Firefly Fun House

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    Alexa Bliss invited Randy Orton to Alexa's Playground, but The Viper did not answer. Instead, Orton decided to enter the Firefly Fun House. Bliss was frightened as Orton tore through it. In response, she challenged The Viper to a match in the ring, which he accepted.






    The line delivery in this segment was all off. Orton did not seem confident in what he was saying, and Bliss lost her words late. The concept of the segment worked well. It was just the execution, and that comes down to a lack of preparation and a potential bad script.

    The mystery of a potential return by Bray Wyatt needs to be held together as long as possible, but if the segments continue to be this awkward, it may be vital for Wyatt to return.

AJ Styles (w/ Omos) vs. Elias (w/ Jaxson Ryker)

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    Elias tried to prepare for a performance backstage with Jaxson Ryker until AJ Styles and Omos knocked on the door, angry about all the noise. The Phenomenal One challenged The Living Truth to a match.

    Despite early overconfidence, Styles was not quite ready for the power of Elias. The Living Truth threw around The Phenomenal One. Omos made sure that Ryker could not take a cheap shot at Styles, slowing the match enough to let the former WWE champion recover.

    As Styles fought back, he got caught with Drift Away for a huge near-fall. Omos encouraged the toughness of Styles, who managed to unbalance his opponent late and then hit the Phenomenal Forearm.



    Styles def. Elias by pinfall.






    This match made little sense on the surface. Styles has been one of Raw's top heels, but he played the face against Elias in a meaningless clash. This may be a turning point for The Phenomenal One. However, that is far from clear at this point.

    The action was good. Elias got to show off what he can do against top talent. Styles gladly worked with a fresh athletic rival. This just all felt premature, ahead of the two men building a story together.

Mustafa Ali (w/ Retribution) vs. Ricochet

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    WWE showed Ricochet's interview on Raw Talk where he explained that he could not afford to keep losing to Retribution. Mustafa Ali gave a pretaped message to The One and Only, telling him to accept that he needed help.

    T-Bar planted Ricochet on the outside behind the referee's back, and Ali followed up with a splash onto the floor. The leader of Retribution continued the onslaught with a backstabber before The One and Only flipped over Ali right into an impressive German suplex.

    A fired-up Ricochet planted Ali with the Kickback, but Mace saved Ali from the pinfall. Ricochet went after all the members of Retribution, taking them out to set up a 630 splash, but he landed on the knees of the leader, setting up Ali to lock in the Koji clutch for the win.

    The leader of Retribution offered one last chance to The One and Only to join the group. Instead, Ricochet landed the Recoil and escaped. He made clear that he would not lose his conviction no matter what happened to him.



    Ali def. Ricochet by submission.






    This was a fun match, but Ricochet and Ali have pulled off much more together before. After so much buildup, this felt like just another week in this endless rivalry. There is no way a match with talent this great should feel so stale.

    The problem is that WWE has fallen into the same story as Ricochet had with The Hurt Business. Once again, The One and Only refused to join a team. Ali can only give so many of the same promo and still sell the angle. It is vital that this story develop in some manner quickly.

Charlotte Flair (w/ Asuka) vs. Nia Jax (w/ Shayna Baszler)

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    Nia Jax was hardly focused on Charlotte Flair in a pre-match interview, announcing she would enter and win the Royal Rumble. Shayna Baszler put her name in the hat as well for the Rumble.

    The Irresistible Force was not ready to get bullied early by the size and power of The Queen. Asuka took out Baszler on the outside while Charlotte went for the Figure-Eight only to get bashed head-first into the lowest turnbuckle.

    This turned the match around as Jax began to dominate. She planted Charlotte with a powerbomb and barely missed a leg drop that would have sealed the win. Outside, Baszler took out Asuka and then saved Jax from a Figure-Eight, locking in the Kirifuda Clutch on The Queen.

    The Empress of Tomorrow saved Charlotte from the hold and sent the heels running.



    Charlotte def. Jax by disqualification.






    Charlotte and Jax have chemistry, but this match went on too long. It was good in stretches but sloppy in others. They lost track of the action in moments. The Irresistible Force is far from the ideal opponent for anyone in their first singles match back.

    Still, the spark was there. Once Charlotte is back to working at her comfortable best, she and Jax could have a great match. They just need to keep the action moving. The disqualification finish clearly set up a rematch between these two at a better time.

The Hurt Business vs. New Day and The Hardy Bros

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    The Hurt Business scared someone backstage into falling on the floor. Angel Garza had a special rose for someone, but a parade of wrestlers after chasing R-Truth for his 24/7 Championship stomped on it. Garza was left with only the head to give to Charly Caruso.

    New Day celebrated Big E's WWE Intercontinental Championship win before heading to the ring. MVP taunted the faces before giving the mic to Bobby Lashley to announce his entrance into the Royal Rumble.

    Early on, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods worked with fire, ready to make a statement against The Hurt Business. The All Mighty managed to get his hands on Matt Riddle and isolate him in the heel corner, keeping him away from the motivated former Raw tag team champions.

    The Original Bro battled through to get the tag to Kofi, who planted Cedric Alexander with a Boom Drop. A fresh Woods got Alexander with a Luke Harper discus clothesline to set up the Swanton Bomb, but Lashley broke it up. He made Jeff Hardy tap out to the Hurt Lock.

    The faces survived a post-match attack from The Hurt Business after Riddle caught Lashley with a Final Flash.



    Hurt Business def. Hardy, Riddle, Kofi and Woods by submission.






    Beyond a wonderful clothesline tribute to the late Harper, this match was somewhat forgettable. Every week, Hardy is the weak link and taps out to Lashley. Every week, Riddle looks like he can beat The All Mighty, but the two barely cross paths.

    The formula is tiring, no matter the talent involved. It is time to move past New Day vs. Hurt Business and fully commit to Riddle challenging for the United States Championship. The repeat matches have done nothing for anyone.

Alexa Bliss Challenges Randy Orton to Burn Her Alive

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    Randy Orton stood in the ring with Alexa Bliss, demanding Bray Wyatt show his face. Instead, The Goddess grabbed a massive present and opened it in front of The Viper. She pulled out a gas can and matches and challenged Orton to burn her like he did The Fiend.

    The Viper was not sure what to make of the scene as Bliss surrounded herself with the gas and then poured it on herself. She called out Orton for not being as sadistic as he said he was. The lights began to go out, and Orton smiled as he lit the match, ready to burn Bliss. The show abruptly cut before anything could happen.






    The Viper was still off his game in this promo, but the impassioned work of Bliss almost sold it all. The problem was that WWE did not have any way to deliver on the tease. The lights went out without any resolution, and the end of the show felt like a waste of time.

    We are left with a cliffhanger that won't be immediately answered or followed up. If Orton actually meant to burn Bliss, WWE could have at least presented it like he dropped the match. This was a moment in this rivalry that was better in theory than execution.