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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

AEW The Beach Break Dynamite Full Show Live 3 February 2021


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AEW Beach Break Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights

Sana Ejaz Khan

    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    All Elite Wrestling presented Beach Break, a very special edition of Dynamite Wednesday headlined by the long-awaited wedding of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford, as well as a gigantic six-man tag team match featuring current and former world champions Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley.

    The show further set the stage for the company's March 7 Revolution pay-per-view.

    What went down, who emerged victoriously from the night's most prominent matchups and what did all of it mean for the top stars in AEW?

    Find out with this recap of the February 3 broadcast.

Tag Team Battle Royal

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    The Battle Royal to determine the top contenders to The Young Bucks' AEW World Tag Team Championships kicked off this week's broadcast.

    Competing in the match were The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver; Evil Uno and Stu Grayson), The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho and MJF; Santana and Ortiz; Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager), Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, Private Party's Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen, The Acclaimed's Anthony Bowens and Max Caster and Top Flight.

    The Bucks also competed, a win for them earning the champs the right to choose their challengers at Revolution on March 7.

    The Bucks started the match fast and furious, wiping out the competition with a dive from the stage. The action moved into the squared circle, a sense of urgency fueling the competition. Dante Martin of Top Flight went soaring to the floor first, and Reynolds followed. Silver sent Hager packing in an early highlight.

    Santana eliminated Matt Jackson, while Jericho and MJF sent Bowens out. Luchsaurus went on a spree, punishing anyone in his path and grounding them with pure strength. The mask-wearing big man sent Grayson to the floor, but Uno and Silver responded by sending him out. Uno saw his night end shortly thereafter, as did Marq Quen.

    Santana and Ortiz drew the biggest heat of the match by eliminating the fan-favorite Silver and then proceeded to catch a beating from Nick Jackson. The former LAX was superkicked to the floor as Jackson rolled. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson, the reigning Impact Wrestling tag champions, appeared and helped eliminate Kassidy.

    Distracted by The Good Brothers, Jackson was dumped by MJF. This left Jungle Boy, Caster and Darius Martin to square off with Inner Circle's MJF, Jericho and Guevara.

    The trio of heels teamed up on and eliminated Jungle Boy, MJF mocking him on the way out. Caster teed off on MJF and held him as Guevara teased a superkick. The Spanish God missed, though, and rocked Caster. Caster recovered and dumped MJF just before Martin sent him packing. The underdog Martin fought off Jericho and Guevara. Jericho inadvertently eliminated Guevara and then caught Martin with the Judas Effect for the win.



    Jericho and MJF won the Battle Royal, earning a shot at The Young Bucks on March 7






    Battle Royals are always tough matches to put together because of the overwhelming number of bodies involved. AEW did a fine job here of intertwining ongoing storylines, showcasing young talent and shining a light on the tension that exists within Inner Circle.

    Guevara and MJF cannot stand each other. There is professional jealousy and a sense of personal pride on the part of Guevara, who watched his role as the bright young star of Chris Jericho's faction handed over to The Salt of the Earth. Throw in a personality clash, and you have combustible elements.

    That story, coupled with the Good Brothers-Private Party developments and some great work by Top Flight and The Acclaimed, helped make this an above-average entry into a long-running match type.

Darby Allin and Sting Address Revolution Street Fight

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    Ahead of Revolution on March 7, TNT champion Darby Allin and his mentor/tag team partner Sting made their way to the ring for a promo with Tony Schiavone.

    Schiavone announced Allin will defend his TNT Championship against Joey Janela before Revolution, but before he could continue, Taz and his team interrupted the proceedings. The Human Suplex Machine said they were not allowed in the arena after beating up staffers last week. They will be in full force next week, watching Allin defend his title.

    Sting revealed he will be here next week, too, to make sure things remain one-on-one. He issued a warning to Ricky Starks, too. "You say when you look into The Stinger's eyes, you don't see The Icon anymore? Maybe you need to take a closer look."






    This did a great job of hyping the Revolution Street Fight but also built up a big championship match for next week's show. Considering it involves the criminally underutilized Janela, who has not appeared consistently on the show in months, that is quite the feat.

    Sting's closing line was a money one and really highlighted the ominous force Team Taz will encounter on pay-per-view.

Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    In a match weeks in the making, Dr. Britt Baker battled former NWA women's champion Thunder Rosa.

    Rosa chased Rebel out of the ring and wasted little time taking the fight to Baker, rocking her with a series of dropkicks. The good doctor turned the tide in her favor, stretching Rosa around the ring post and stunning her with a hard forearm to the face.

    Baker dominated throughout the break, wearing her opponent down and setting her up for the Lockjaw submission. Rosa mounted a comeback after the commercial but quickly fell prey to the Sling Blade by Baker. A big kick further rocked the former champ and led to a near-fall.

    Baker delivered a shoulder breaker but still only managed a two-count. She struggled with the glove that sets up her finisher, the commentary team attributing it to the damage done to her right hand. She still managed a running stomp and tried for the Lockjaw.

    Rosa countered, Baker countered and the babyface ended the grappling with a side suplex. As Rosa sought her finisher, Rebel entered the ring and pulled off one of the turnbuckle pads. Rosa relinquished the hold and dropped the assistant.

    Baker eventually caught Rosa, sent her into the exposed turnbuckle and scored the win with the Lockjaw by referee stoppage, the babyface unable to defend herself.



    Baker defeated Rosa via referee decision






    This was a hell of a match between two women with great chemistry and a strong story supporting it.

    Baker continues to look like the undisputed future of women's wrestling in AEW. She already has proved herself a strong character, and with her in-ring work growing and evolving every week, she is going to be one of the biggest stars in this company soon.

    Rosa is just a great professional wrestler. Her work is undeniable, and with a heel like Baker to play off, she has thrived. Here is hoping we see more of her in an AEW ring because she could be a huge asset to a division still trying to find itself.

Hangman Page and Matt Hardy vs. Chaos Project

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    Citing the disrespect shown by Chaos Project's Serpentico and Luther toward Brodie Lee Jr. a week ago, Hangman Page and Matt Hardy joined forces for a tag team showdown with the heels.

    Luther and Serpentico beat down and isolated Hardy for the heart of the match before a hot tag to Page sparked the comeback.

    Hangman lit Serpentico up with the Buckshot Lariat, but Hardy tagged himself in and scored the pinfall.

    After the match, a hesitant Page eventually raised his partner's arm in victory while Hardy flashed a manipulative look.



    Hardy and Page defeated Serpentico and Luther






    This was a glorified squash match designed to highlight the storyline involving Page and Hardy rather than deliver a proverbial barnburner. In that regard, it worked fine enough.

    Hardy, the egotistical and greedy businessman at this point in his career, continued his plan to manipulate Page into joining his empire, while Hangman showed the sort of hesitation you would expect from a star who has repeatedly been talked at and pushed in every which direction.

    The story has potential, but eventually, Page will have to stand up for himself and tell everyone to stop poking, prodding and trying to push him around.

The Wedding of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    The ring decorated for a grand wedding ceremony, groom Kip Sabian, best man Miro and Vickie Guerrero made their entrance. Jerry Lynn walked the aisle arm in arm with bride Penelope Ford, delivering her in front of the rather sinister minister, Father James Mitchell.

    There was an exchange of vows and then rings and some "I dos" before Mitchell teased asking if anyone had any objections. Miro cut that off, reminding the bride and groom of the nightmarish weddings he had lived through in the past. Mitchell pronounced Sabian and Ford husband and wife, they kissed and Miro delivered a toast.

    Miro attacked a gift he was certain was a trick but turned out not to be one. Chuck Taylor chained Miro to the bottom rope, blasted Sabian and knocked Ford into the cake. Orange Cassidy appeared and joined Taylor, standing tall and leaving The Best Man seething in anger.






    This was AEW's first wrestling wedding segment, so it gets a pass that other promotions may not.

    The use of Mitchell was a great touch, the pace of the segment was fine and the post-pronouncement angle was fun.

    Nothing really reinvented the wheel here, but Miro was extraordinary as the sarcastic Best Man who could not help but bring up his wealth of experience in wrestling weddings. Down to wearing the same outfit he did when Roman Reigns broke up his ceremony with Lana in 2015.

    The ensuing match will be fun, if nothing else, and that's exactly what you expect from this crop of characters.

Lumberjack Match: Lance Archer vs. Eddie Kingston

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    The smallest group of lumberjacks ever surrounded the squared circle as Lance Archer and Eddie Kingston squared off in a rematch of last week's show.

    Chaos reigned early, culminating in The Murderhawk Madman launching himself over the top rope and wiping out everyone around the ring. Kingston, though, wrested control of the match away from his larger opponent and controlled the match during the break.

    Archer delivered a Full Nelson Slam to return the tide to his favor. The Bunny entered the ring, jumping on Archer's back. Lance teased the Blackout, but Kingston rocked his opponent with a backfist. On the floor, Jake Roberts knocked out Angelico, allowing Archer to recover. Kingston cut him off with an exploder suplex.

    The Blade set up a table, but Bear Country cut off both his and The Butcher's attempted interference. Archer delivered a uranage for two, rocked Kingston with a right hand and delivered Blackout off the middle rope for the win.



    Archer defeated Kingston






    This was a hard-hitting brawl that would have been better as a no-disqualification match than the lackluster lumberjack stipulation it had here. It was not terribly effective under those rules and was messy to boot.

    Had it been a strict Street Fight, which could have involved most of the key spots without having to shoehorn itself into the advertised stipulation, this would have worked better.

    As it was, it was a battle, Archer won and now we wonder what awaits Kingston and his Fam moving forward.

Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix and Pac vs. Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

    The main event of Beach Break saw AEW world champion Kenny Omega partner with Impact Wrestling tag team champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson) to battle Death Triangle's Pac and Rey Fenix and former world champ Jon Moxley.

    The heels controlled early, working over Pac, but a tope suicida by Moxley allowed the antiheroes to stand tall heading into the break. During the timeout, though, Omega and The Good Brothers neutralized Moxley, beating him down and working him over to regain the upper hand.

    The former Bullet Club members worked over Moxley throughout the commercial, but he fought back and made the hot tag to Fenix. The Lucha Bro cut a lightning pace as he took the fight to the competition. He joined Pac in stereo moonsaults, wiping Anderson and Gallows out at ringside.

    A springboard cutter scored a two-count on Omega as Fenix rolled.

    Eventually, Pac found himself on the receiving end of a focused attack by the heels, who teamed up for a triple neckbreaker. Omega delivered a Liger Bomb to Pac, but The Bastard kicked out. He delivered a V-Trigger, but Pac slipped out of the One-Winged Angel. The babyfaces teed off on the world champion, rocking him with their signature offense but only keeping him down for two.

    The pace quickened, leading to Pac breaking up a pinfall with a 450 splash. Fenix delivered a moonsault for two and then flew right into a spinebuster for two. The Good Brothers delivered the Magic Killer on Fenix for the win.

    After the match, Lance Archer hit the ring and cleared out Anderson and Gallows. Then, in a shocking conclusion, Kenta appeared and laid out Moxley with Go To Sleep to close the show.



    Omega and Good Brothers defeated Fenix, Pac and Moxley






    A hell of a main event match to close out the show, accentuated by a stunning angle involving Kenta.

    AEW absolutely delivered with the main event, in which Fenix continued to prove why he is the hottest young star in the business, Pac reminded everyone he is a top-tier competitor and Moxley and Omega intensified their rivalry.

    The appearance by Kenta is stunning and suggests that AEW and New Japan Pro-Wrestling may have struck an agreement that could open the door for the promotions to work together on a grander scale. With Impact Wrestling already onboard, the idea that AEW might have deals with multiple promotions has to force the competition to sit up and take notice.

    And if it hasn't yet, it should.

    Just a fantastic capper to a damn fine show. AEW is rolling into Revolution on March 7

WWE NXT Full Show Live Streaming 3 February 2021


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WWE NXT Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from February 3

Sana Ejaz Khan


    After winning the men's Royal Rumble on Sunday and besting Randy Orton the following night on Raw, Edge continued his victory tour Wednesday by stopping by NXT.

    This week's show was heavy on tag team action as both the men's and women's divisions continued to advance in the Dusty Cup tournaments.

    Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro battled Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez for a spot in the finals, while Legado del Fantasma faced Lucha House Party in a quarterfinal match.

    We also saw Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher team up to take on Adam Cole and Roderick Strong in another quarterfinal bout.

    Let's take a look at everything that happened on Wednesday's episode of NXT.

Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez vs. Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro

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    The show got right to the action with Kai and Gonzalez taking on Catanzaro and Carter for a spot in the finals of the Dusty Cup tournament.

    Captain Kota tried to overpower Catanzaro, but the former American Ninja Warrior used her speed and agility to avoid her and make the tag to Carter for a double-team and a two-count.

    All four women had a standoff that turned into a brawl. Once things settled down, Kai grounded Catanzaro in a headlock. Carter tagged in and managed to build some momentum as she took on both opponents.

    Carter was sent flying into the announce table as the show went to commercial. When we returned, she was still taking a lot of punishment at the hands of Kai and Gonzalez. She made the hot tag, and Catanzaro unleashed a series of high-flying moves. She even dove off part of the set onto her opponents.

    They kept the pace quick as both duos hit a series of double-team spots. Catanzaro almost won with an impressive corkscrew senton, but Gonzalez ended up getting the pin to advance her team in the tournament.


    Grade: B-



    Gonzalez and Kai are destined for great things as individuals, but as a team, they still have plenty they can bring to the division.

    The biggest complaint about this match comes down to one moment. Catanzaro hit Gonzalez with her finisher, and Kai was going to be late breaking it up, so Catanzaro appeared to roll away before she was hit.

    Other than that, this was a fun, high-energy match that allowed all four women to stand out for different reasons. Even though they lost, Carter and Catanzaro looked slightly more cohesive as a unit.

Austin Theory vs. Leon Ruff

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    Leon Ruff may have lost the North American Championship to Johnny Gargano, but he had to go through Gargano's protege this week, Austin Theory.

    Ruff used his speed to counter Theory's initial salvo before the former bodybuilder took control and slowed down the pace to his liking.

    Eventually, the high-flyer turned the tables and hit a flurry of offensive maneuvers. Gargano tried to interfere but was met with a kick to the face for his efforts.

    Ruff ended up getting Gargano sent back to the locker room by pretending he was attacked. He got back into the ring and almost got the pin before Theory put his foot on the bottom rope. He hit Ruff with his ATL finisher for the win. After it was over, he hit the ATL again just for good measure.

    Dexter Lumis showed up to prevent Theory from using the ring bell as a weapon at the end.


    Grade: B-



    The feud between Ruff and Gargano has slowed down quite a bit, but you wouldn't know it from this match. Both guys looked like they were giving it everything they had.

    Ruff might need to slow down occasionally so his moves look a little crisper, but he is still one of the smoothest high-flyers in NXT today. He just makes everything look so easy. Theory has a lot of skill, but he needs a better character. Being Gargano's buddy isn't helping him anymore.

    Gargano's involvement was almost an afterthought in this match. He needs a new rival who can make the NA title picture interesting again.

Lucha House Party vs. Legado del Fantasma

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    Gran Metalik and Raul Mendoza started for their teams with a quick exchange before Lince Dorado tagged in. He kept the pace up, but Legado del Fantasma took over when Joaquin Wilde got involved.

    Metalik came back in with a springboard, but Mendoza sent him to the floor with a nice kick. We returned from a break to see Metalik counter a superplex with a sunset powerbomb in the corner.

    Dorado and Wilde tagged in at the same time, and The Golden Lynx went on a rampage. He hit several aerial maneuvers before a jawbreaker stopped him in his tracks.

    The King of the Ropes hit a splash off the shoulders of Dorado. Wilde set up both men for what ended up being a double springboard DDT for a two-count.

    Mendoza and Wilde were able to hit a nice double-team finisher on Metalik to get the victory and advance to the semifinals of the Dusty Cup.


    Grade: B+



    The spot when Wilde tried to hit both opponents with a DDT looked too planned and did not end up working, but that was the only major error made in a match full of risky spots.

    When you put two teams in the ring together that focus on high-flying offense, you are going to get a fun show. That is why so many people love the lucha libre style of wrestling.

    Wilde and Mendoza may have had their best showing to date in this match, and some of the credit for this performance goes to Dorado and Metalik for making them look so good.

    It would be nice for Metalik and Dorado to get a push as a tag team, but putting over Legado del Fantasma was the right call.

Edge Steps into an NXT Ring for the 1st Time

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    Pete Dunne gave a promo calling out Finn Balor, and the NXT champion didn't make him wait long for a response. After Balor accepted Dunne's challenge for TakeOver, Edge made his way to the ring.

    The Rated-R Superstar looked excited to be in an NXT ring and said he has been a fan of the brand because he always sees passion in the Superstars' eyes. He said NXT helped him find his passion for wrestling again.

    Edge teased using his guaranteed title shot at WrestleMania to challenge Balor before he complimented both guys for everything they have accomplished. He said he would be keeping his eyes on both men as he considers who he will challenge at 'Mania.


    Grade: B



    Edge is so good at putting people over on the mic that Dunne and Balor didn't have to say a single word once he was in the ring.

    It's unlikely Edge will challenge for the NXT title at WrestleMania, but the tease was a fun way to explain his presence at the show.

    This was a good segment, but it did end up feeling slightly awkward toward the end. Balor and Dunne don't need the rub from Edge, but he also didn't hurt anything by showing up. It was one of those segments that was entertaining but also unnecessary.

Jessi Kamea vs. Toni Storm

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    Toni Storm and Jessi Kamea locked up, and the former NXT UK women's champion immediately took control and scored a two-count.

    Kamea was able to turn things around with a few well-placed kicks. Mercedes Martinez showed up and caused a disqualification by attacking Storm.

    Io Shirai walked down and watched them fight while she sat on the top turnbuckle. She waited until the right time to hit both women with a moonsault at the same time.


    Grade: C



    Kamea and Storm were working well together. It was a little sad to see this bout end so quickly in favor of highlighting Martinez and Storm, but it's not surprising.

    This segment accomplished the goal of reminding us there is a feud for the women's title, but that was all it did. Storm, Martinez and Kamea didn't gain or lose anything.

    However, there is never a wrong time to watch Shirai perform a moonsault.

Santos Escobar vs. Curt Stallion (Cruiserweight Championship)

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    Curt Stallion got his chance at the NXT Cruiserweight Championship this week in a match with Santos Escobar. Wilde and Mendoza were there to support the champion after winning their own match earlier in the show.

    Escobar got the upper hand right away and did not let up as he stomped Stallion into the mat. Scarlett was shown watching from an elevated platform as Escobar drilled Stallion with a dropkick for a two-count.

    The champ glanced up at her for a moment, and Stallion took advantage with a roll-up for a near-fall. We returned from a break to see Escobar dominating his opponent with a single-leg crab that he turned into a crossface.

    The challenger broke free and started building up a head of steam with a German suplex and a suicide dive. Escobar reversed a suplex and sent Stallion into the corner upside down for a two-count. Escobar was able to hit his finisher to retain his title.

    Karrion Kross came out and beat up Mendoza and Wilde before he gave Escobar a warning and told him to run along.


    Grade: B



    Stallion is a relatively new talent, so he can afford to take a beating like this without suffering too much. This match was all about making Escobar look like a strong champion, and it did just that.

    Stallion looked good when he got in a little offense and sold well for his opponent. His job was to make Escobar look good, and he did his duty like a pro.

    The post-match moment with Kross and Escobar was interesting, but it's hard to look at either of them as a babyface in this feud. The next couple of weeks will be important to making this storyline make sense.

Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Adam Cole and Roderick Strong

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    The Undisputed Era looked to advance in the Dusty Cup in this week's main event, but Ciampa and Thatcher wanted to spoil their fun and win the trophy for themselves at the same time.

    Cole and Ciampa started for their teams. The two former NXT champions locked up, and Ciampa backed Cole to the corner for a clean break. They kept things clean as they locked up again and traded takedowns. They came to a stalemate and decided to tag their partners so they could have a go.

    The submission specialist and The Master of the Backbreaker showed off their technical ability with a great back-and-forth before Cole tagged in. Thatcher was able to bring Strong back to his corner so he could bring in Ciampa.

    We returned from a commercial to see Thatcher stretching Strong in a submission. Ciampa tagged in and knocked his lights out with a forearm for a two-count.

    They went past the end of the hour as they built up to the finish. Both teams came close to winning several times before Ciampa was able to spike Strong with a DDT to get the win.


    Grade: A



    Cole, Strong, Ciampa and Thatcher represent some of the best workers in all of WWE, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that they stole the show with this bout.

    This wasn't a very long match, but it felt like they packed a lot into the time they had and left us wanting more. That is one of the ways you know this was a great performance.

    The combination of Ciampa and Thatcher works so well that WWE might want to consider keeping them together for a little while to elevate the tag team division.

    Since neither team was heel, the few dozen fans in attendance were popping for all four men at different times. It helped make this a fun main event and one of the best matches we will see all week.