Sunday 5 May 2019

Dark they were and Golden Eyed questions and answers

1. Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?
Harry wanted to go back to the Earth because he faced unsuitable living conditions on Mars. He felt strange and lonely there. The atmosphere of Mars was quite harsh and unfit for them. Their house was in bad shape. The Martian virus changed their identities.Even the food items began to change. He found the cities of Mars dead and deserted. That is why he wanted to go back to the Earth.
2. Why did he want to stay?
He wanted to stay on Mars for some time to build a rocket to go back. All the space rockets were destroyed and there was no way to go back to the Earth again. They were stranded there. He informed others about the need to build a rocket. He also tried to take help from them to make a rocket. But , instead of helping him, they made fun of him.
3. What climate did they face?
They faced very harsh and damaging climate on Mars. Their house was in bad shape. They all became dark and golden-eyed. Even the food items were changed. The Martian virus changed their identities. The summer was so extreme that all the canals became dry.
4. What was the condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of the war on the Earth?
The condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of the war on the Earth was very bad. They were in deep mental shock. They became nervous and upset. They began to weep and cry. They were worried about their safety. All the space rockets were destroyed. There was no way for them to go back to the Earth again. They felt stranded permanently on Mars. Their condition was quite miserable and alarming.
6. Why did the old man take the steep path?
The old man took the steep path to check his physical fitness and health. He was a heart patient. He could not go straight up to the mountain. He made steep paths to climb the mountain easily and comfortably. It showed his strong stamina and will-power. He was a lover of nature. He did not hesitate to do hard work which added to his health and strength.
7. Why did the son at the age of six cry?
The son at the age of six cried because he had lost his wooden plough. He loved his wooden plough very much. His father made another plough for him. But, he did not love it as much as he loved the first one. It was very amazing of the writer that he still remembered this incident which showed his innocent memory.
8. What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
The old man at the age of seventy was still confident and courageous.He was a man of strong will-power and stamina. He was cheerful and lively. He could still cover long distances on foot and climb the mountain top. He was full of strength and energy.
9. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
The old man had planted his secret garden in the new and rich land because anything grown in this land had better flavour. It had a special fragrance. He also wanted to give his son a surprise. He was a lover of nature and he knew the amazing qualities of the new land. Its charm attracted the old man to come and clear it. That is why he had planted his secret garden over there.

Long textual questions and answers.
1. What circumstances did the Bittering family face?
The Bittering family faced very harsh and unsuitable circumstances on the Mars. They faced an unfriendly climate. There was fog at night. The canals were dry due to extreme summer. Their food was poisoned by the Martian virus. Their house was burned and discoloured by the extreme wind. They became dark and golden-eyed. They felt lonely and fearful.
2. How social were the people of Mars?
The people of Mars were very friendly and polite. They were civilized people. They did not bear any hatred or enmity against anybody. They were very co-operative people. They were harmless and did not tease anybody. They did not hesitate to mix with others. They were broad-minded and cheerful.
3. How did the life change finally? Was this better or worse?
The life on the Mars changed negatively. Harry and his family lost their earthliness. They lost their identities. They became dark and golden-eyed. Even their house and other things which they brought from the Earth changed in a negative way. They became slim and thin. It was proved that the Earth is the only suitable place where human beings can live comfortably and peacefully.
4. Write the story in your own words.
The Bittering family are emigrants who join the other Earth people to run away to the Mars to escape nuclear war on the Earth. They are stranded there because all the space rockets were destroyed. They are forced to stay there. During their stay on the planet Mars, they face unfriendly and unsuitable circumstances. They begin to lose their identities and earthliness. They begin to change. Finally, they become dark and golden eyed.

5. What differences can you point out in the life style of the people of two different planets?
There are many differences in the life style of the people of two different planets. The people of Mars were very friendly and polite. Whereas the Earth people are not so friendly and polite. They often mistreat and abuse one another. The people of Mars were civilized people. They did not bear any hatred or enmity against anybody. Whereas the Earth people are full of hatred and enmity. They are engaged in battles and wars. The people of Mars were very co-operative people. They were harmless and did not tease anybody. Whereas the Earth people are mostly selfish. They want to mint money at the cost of others. The people of Mars did not hesitate to mix with others. They were broad-minded and cheerful. Whereas the Earth people are narrow-minded and superstitious.

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