Sunday 28 April 2019

Biology MCQs page 8

MCQs of Biology

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71. Glyoxisomes contain enzymes for
(A) glyoxylate cycle
(B) glycolate cycle
(C) Calvin cycle
(D) none of these
72. Vacuoles serve to
(A) expand the plant cells
(B) sites for storage
(C) both in expansion and storage
(D) non-specific function
73. An isolated virus is not considered living since it
(A) separate into two parts
(B) cannot metabolize
(C) rapidly looses its genome
(D) all of these
74. The predominant phycobilin pigment in cyanobacteria which is of blue colour is
(A) phycoerythrin
(B) phycocyanin
(C) fucocyanin
(D) fucoxanthin
75. Deafness is caused by misuse of
(A) penicillin
(B) tetracycline
(C) paracetamol
(D) streptomycin
76. Cell envelope does not include
(A) capsule
(B) slime layer
(C) cell wall
(D) cell membrane
77. Coenocytes is a fungal body which is
(A) multi-nucleate aseptate
(B) multi-nucleate septate
(C) uni-nucleate septate
(D) uni-nucleate aseptate
78. Bryophytes are
(A) all heterosporous
(B) all homosporous
(C) mostly homosporus
(D) none of these
79. Nephridia are excretory organs in
(A) round worms
(B) lizard
(C) earth worm
(D) planaria
80. Which one is harmful mollusc
(A) slug
(B) snail
(C) oyester
(D) star fish
71. A
72. C
73. B
74. B
75. D
76. D
77. A
78. B
79. C
80. A

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