Saturday 20 April 2019

Sentence Completion Test (Set#3)

1.      In this hospital                                               .
2.      On seeing the blood he                                       .
3.      He came to know that                                    .
4.      If I was in his place                                   .
5.      I think I can                                        .
6.      He is able to                                          .
7.      To achieve his purpose he                                       .
8.      Under the most trying circumstances he                                 .
9.      He dislike to                                          .
10.  In the end he                                  .
11.  The most valuable thing in life is                                       .
12.  It is quite natural that girl                                      .
13.  Early in his life                                         .
14.  When he failed he                               .
15.  He never tires of                                  .
16.  With his money                               .
17.  The way they lived showed                                         .
18.  If you insult him                                   .
19.  He rushed out of his office                                      .
20.  It was obvious that                                    .
21.  The difference between                              .
22.  To become a leader                                      .
23.  He indicated that                                   .
24.  He was sad therefore                               .
25.  It is bad habit to                                   .
26.  He was young when                                              .

Sentence Completion (Set#4)

1.      In a fit of rage he                                     .
2.      In his opinion                                     .
3.      He always hated to                                          .
4.      My mother thinks                                  .
5.      His relatives are                                   .
6.      There is a risk of                                        .
7.      To look smart she                                  .
8.      Because she is a girl                                       .
9.      Rejection made him                                   .
10.  The reason of his success                                      .
11.  The guard hesitated to                                  .
12.  He was under pressure                                       .
13.  The fact is                                    .
14.  He is interested to                                          .
15.  To avoid failure he                                 .
16.  The more he tried                                            .
17.  He was alarmed when                                           .
18.  He possesses                                        .
19.  It is difficult to work when                                       .
20.  The woman cried because                                           .
21.  His memory is                                          .
22.  When I met her first time                                       .
23.  My father is always                                 .
24.  My next task is                                      .
25.  The cause of his anger                                    .
26.  I cannot understand why                                         .


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